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Aboriginal Coalition to End Homelessness - How We’ll Make Your Workplace Safer - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

You have the right to a safe and healthy workplace

Workers have 4 basic workplace health and safety rights in British Columbia

1.    You have the right to know about workplace dangers and risks

          The employer must inform you of any workplace dangers and risks and provide you with     information, instruction, training and supervision to do your job safely.

2.    You have the right to refuse unsafe work

You have the right to refuse work you believe endangers your safety or those around you. You cannot be disciplined by refusing unsafe work. Learn about the procedure for refusing unsafe work here. 

3.    You have the right to participate in workplace health and safety activities

You have the right to participate in workplace health and safety activities, to report your concerns to your supervisor, and to be consulted about health and safety issues like safe practices for handling needlesticks and preventing violence and harassment.

4.    You have the right to exercise these rights without harassment or discipline

An employer cannot threaten, discipline, fire or discriminate against you for exercising these basic health and safety rights. 
(a)    If you have a health & safety issue

  • Injured or not, file a report. This includes, for example, a near-miss needlestick poke or a threat of violence.
  • Tell your supervisor. It is primarily the boss’s responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy workplace.
  • Share information and concerns with your co-workers.
  • Talk to your union representatives. They can support you in addressing the issue.

(b)    Union workplaces are safer
Members recommend coworkers to become occupational health and safety representatives and sit on a joint committee with the employer. The committee will oversee the health and safety program, conduct inspections and investigate accidents. We provide comprehensive training and support. Our union has a health and safety department with officers to work with you to hold the employer to account and build safer and healthier workplaces.

Sign up to the My BCGEU member portal here.

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