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All Members at Fleetwood Villa - Special Membership Meeting - Bargaining Update - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

A special "Drop-In" meeting with your Bargaining Committee has been scheduled as follows:

Please attend before or after your shift or during a break period at a time when you are not working. Your Bargaining Committee will be available to answer questions and provide an update on the status of bargaining, including the wage levelling.

We hope to see you at the meeting.

If you know a BCGEU member who didn't receive this bulletin, please forward it to them. If you are a BCGEU member who didn't receive the bulletin directly, please update your email address with your Union by logging into the Member Portal here.

In Solidarity,
Lani Tayag, Bargaining Committee Chairperson
Elizabeth Duarte, Bargaining Committee Member
Linsay Buss, Staff Representative - Negotiations

Download PDF of notice here