To: To all Occupational Health and Safety Committee Representatives in Area 03 and Local Chairs
Re: BC Federation of Labour Women's Health & Safety in the Workplace
The “Women’s Health and Safety in the Workplace” course will be offered at the Lower Mainland area office at Suite #130 - 2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver on Wednesday October 19, 2016 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. This course will be delivered by a facilitator from the BC Federation of Labour Health and Safety Centre.
This course provides participants the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills to identify, assess and control workplace hazards from a woman's perspective.
It is geared to health and safety committee members and to all women who want to know more about how to make our workplaces and lives safer and healthier.
In this course participants will:
• Discuss how women’s health (including reproductive health) is affected by toxic workplace substances, work design & work organization.
• Learn about workplace stresses such as violence (including domestic violence), bullying and harassment.
You are entitled to take at least 8 hours of annual health and safety training. Your employer must pay any reasonable costs in order for you to take this training, including your leave of absence from work. You must apply for this training through your employer and the cost of this training is $115 per person. Employer OHS representatives are invited to register but will only be accepted if there is space. The maximum registration is 24. A pre-requisite for this course is the BCGEU 1 day Basic OHS (Labour Code) or 2 Day Basic Government OHS training.
If you have already taken your 8 hours of annual training, the OHS department will consider sponsoring you to take this training. Please indicate your need for this sponsorship when you register. The area office will confirm the funding with the OHS department.
To register, please email [email protected] and provide your leave requirements (do you require BCGEU funding or will it be employer paid?) and any dietary restrictions. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn about the health and safety issues that affect women in the workplace - register today!
If you have any questions, please contact the Lower Mainland area office at 604-215-1499 or email [email protected]
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