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BC Family Maintenance Agency - bargaining bulletin #3: negotiations continue - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Your BCGEU bargaining committee and employer met again on October 25th and made progress on a several more non-monetary proposals. The bargaining session scheduled for October 26th had to be cancelled due to a case of COVID-19 on one of the committees.

Bargaining resumed this week on November 15th and the parties agreed on one additional non-monetary proposal. The parties are very close to reaching agreement or impasse on the remaining non-monetary proposals. It's at this stage that the parties set aside the non-monetary proposals that are at impasse (to potentially be considered again later in the process) and begin monetary negotiations. The union had hoped that the employer would table its wage proposals, including to address the pay equity gap, on November 15th or 16th, but it was not able to do so. The bargaining session scheduled for November 16th was therefore cancelled.

The parties will resume negotiations on November 28th and 29th and your bargaining committee expects to receive the employer's wage and pay equity proposals at that time.

The BCGEU staff representative assigned to BCFMA bargaining will change as of next week. Deb Wilson, who is a staff representative in the Negotiations Department, will assume the assignment from Ryan Stewart who is taking parental leave. Deb is an experienced negotiator who has already met with the committee and who has bargained with the Employer's negotiator in the past. Welcome, Deb!

You can expect a further update after our next bargaining session or sooner if there's anything to report.

In solidarity,
Debra Calder, Bargaining Committee Member (NICO)
Tina Gaiardo, Bargaining Committee Member (LMCO)
Steve Kitcher, Bargaining Committee Member (VCO)
Ryan Stewart, Staff Representative, Negotiations

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