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BC Housing Management Commission- Administrative/Clerical (Admin) Division - Ratification Townhall - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Your Administrative/Clerical Division bargaining committee has scheduled a Ratification (Virtual) Townhall for Monday June 24th to discuss our tentative agreement

The meeting will start at 7pm, and can be accessed through this zoom link: meeting link in email version.

We will be going over monetary and non-monetary improvements made to our agreement, providing information about the ratification vote, and of course, answering your questions!

We encourage you to submit your questions ahead of time by filling out this easy-to-use form: here – you'll be asked to input your member ID. We'll also have an active Q&A and Answer Live options during the townhall.

Please come (and encourage your coworkers to come) to ensure that you have the information you need/you want in order to make an informed vote!


Your Comprehensive Report and Ratification Report can be found here.

Ratification Voting opens following the Townhall, Monday June 24th and will run until Friday June 28th at 4pm PST

Please ensure that your contact information is up to date in your BCGEU member portal or, if you haven't yet signed up, register your account at

We look forward to seeing you and hearing from you at the Townhall!

In solidarity, 
Your Bargaining Team 
Geoff Stedman, Chairperson, Admin
Jeevn Atwal, Chairperson, Maintenance
Lisa Julien, Member, Admin
Geoff Harder, Member, Maintenance
Lisa Gerstendorfer, Member, Admin
Doreen Aquino, Member, Maintenance
Brent Camilleri, Staff Representative

Download a PDF of this notice

Download a PDF of the Comprehensive Report

Download a PDF of the Ratification Report