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BCGEU secures early retirement benefits for wildland firefighters - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Today, we are thrilled to announce that your union and the provincial government have reached an agreement-in-principal on early retirement benefits for wildland firefighters.

Read the press release here.

Eligible BCGEU members that work in B.C. Wildfire Service (BCWS) will now have the opportunity to retire five years earlier than the current pension provisions, with added costs paid for by the employer.

Today's announcement marks a major victory for our members who have fought for a pension and compensation package that allows them to build sustainable careers.

British Columbia is the first province to agree to early retirement benefits for wildland firefighters and will bring you in line with other public safety officers, such as ambulance paramedics, police and municipal firefighters.

The Province and the BCGEU hope to finalize the agreement in early 2025, with changes taking effect in 2026.

We will be hosting a virtual townhall on September 23rd at 6 pm to answer your questions about what this will mean for you. RSVP today!

Your union has been calling for a substantial overhaul of the compensation framework for wildland firefighters in BCWS, including wages, benefits and early retirement/pensions to be able to support experienced firefighters to have a sustainable career path.

Earlier pension benefits are a key victory for our work together to push for fair pay and a retirement with dignity for wildland firefighters.

We'll keep you in the loop as this moves toward implementation.

Please share this email with your coworkers who may not have received it and be sure to

RSVP for the Wildfire Pensions Townhall.

About the Public Service Pension Plan

BC's Public Service Pension Plan is one of the largest pension plans in Canada. The provincial public service pension plan provides employees of the provincial public service and other participating organizations with an income payable upon retirement. Benefits are generally based on an employee's salary, pensionable service, and age.

The plan is jointly sponsored, managed by trustees appointed by the employer
partner (Province of British Columbia), the active member partner (British
Columbia General Employees' Union) and the retired member appointing body
(British Columbia Government Retired Employees' Association).

In solidarity,

Paul Finch, President
Rob Davis, Vice President, Component 20