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BCGEU Submission on Electoral Reform Referendum - BCGEU

When the B.C. Government announced plans to hold a province-wide referendum on the question of electoral reform, they invited input from citizens and organizations to help shape the way we vote.

The response from British Columbians was immense, with over eighty-eight thousand submissions made to the Attorney General. This represents the largest public participation in a consultation in the history of the province, and shows that there is a lot of public interest in electoral reform.

As part of the BCGEU's internal listening campaign on the issue of electoral reform, members were invited to provide their input about possible changes to the voting system last fall. The results of that listening campaign revealed that 90% of BCGEU members that participated are in favour of modernizing our electoral system by bringing in a form of proportional representation. 

Informed by these results, the BCGEU made the following submission to the Attorney General's office on the upcoming referendum: