Duty to Accommodate: As a steward you may often be approached to assist an employee who requires a medical accommodation or an accommodation on the grounds of protection under the Human Rights Code.
This duty extends to the union, the employer and the employee. The Union often has a role to play. As a steward it's important for you to learn the obligations of the parties, the tests outlined through arbitration and how much can an accommodation affect other employees.
Once you understand Duty to Accommodate, we will move into how stewards can answer questions and deal with issues surrounding Short Term Illness and Injury Provisions of the Collective Agreement as well as the requirement for medical documentation---What the Employer can and cannot ask for in regards to doctor's note.
Jaci White from the BCGEU Benefits Department will be a guest instructor as well as Staff Representative, Lynda Morrice.
The end of the day will give us time to help each other with situations or grievances in your worksite and Q&A.
It is hoped that ALL stewards will attend. All travel expensed and time off work are provided as well as lunch. NOTE: you do not have to be from the Nanaimo area---ANY stewards from North Island and Powell River are also invited to attend. If an overnight is required, a hotel room will be provided.
Date: Thursday, October 27, 2016
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Location: BCGEU North Island Area Office, 106-1650 Terminal Avenue North, Nanaimo
\*\* Registration deadline is October 13, 2016 by 4:30 p.m. \*\*
To register, please contact the Area Office at 1-800-667-1997 or by email at [email protected] with any dietary requirements for lunch and if you require a Union Leave of Absence-advise us of the number of hours required.
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