Your Component 1 Executive would like to remind you of your rights under the Public Service Agreement and the Correctional and Sheriff Services Component agreement when it comes to scheduling annual vacation.
Below is the language in the Public Service and Component agreements that outline the annual vacation process.
Public Service Agreement ARTICLE 18 –ANNUAL VACATIONS
With the exception of authorized vacation carryover under Clause 18.6, the scheduling and (a) completion of vacations shall be on a calendar-year basis.
The calendar year in which an employee's first anniversary falls shall be the first vacation year. (b)For the purpose of additional leave entitlement, the calendar year in which the fifth anniversary falls shall be the fifth vacation year; in which the sixth anniversary falls shall be the sixth vacation year; etc.
During the first six months of continuous employment an employee may, subject to mutual (c)agreement at the local level, take vacation leave which has been earned.
Scheduling of vacation shall be subject to the provisions of the applicable component (d)agreement.
Vacation schedules, once approved by the Employer, shall not be changed, other than in cases (e) of emergency, except by mutual agreement between the employee and the Employer.
17th Component Agreement- Sheriffs Provisions- ARTICLE 4 - ANNUAL VACATIONS
4.1 Prime Time Vacation Period
(a) Subject to the provisions of this article, it is the intent of the parties that no employees shall be restricted in the time of year they choose to take their vacation entitlement. However, all employees shall be allowed to take at least four weeks of their vacation entitlement during the period of May 1 to September 30, inclusive, which shall be defined as prime time vacation period.
(b) For those employees who have more than four weeks' vacation entitlement, the Employer shall make every reasonable effort to allow such employees to take their complete vacation entitlement during the prime time vacation period if they so desire.
4.2 Preference in Vacation
(a) Vacations shall be granted on the basis of service seniority within a classification series in the work unit.
(b) An employee shall be entitled to receive their vacation in an unbroken period.
(c) Where an employee chooses to break their vacation entitlement, additional selection(s) shall be made only after all other employees concerned have made their initial selection(s). Such additional selections shall be made in order of seniority.
4.3 Vacation Schedules
(a) Completed vacation schedules will be posted by April 1 of each year. The schedule will be circulated commencing February 1 of each year.
(b) An employee who does not exercise their seniority rights within two weeks of receiving the vacation schedule, shall not be entitled to exercise those rights in respect to any vacation time previously selected by an employee with less seniority.
(c) An employee who relocates to another work location where the vacation schedule has already been completed will not be entitled to exercise their seniority rights for that year only. However, every effort shall be made to grant vacation at the time of the employee's choice. If an employee is relocated by the Employer, they will be given the vacation time previously selected.
(d) In accordance with Clause 18.3(e) - Vacation Scheduling of the Master Agreement vacation schedules, once approved by the Employer, shall not be changed, other than in cases of emergency, except by mutual agreement between the employee and the Employer.
The Component uses a formula in Corrections and in other jurisdictions that calculates the number of spot/positions available each day during Prime Time May 1st to September 30th that works for very well:
- 105 prime time days to pick from May 1 to Sept 30
- Public Service Agreement states 20 days per employee for holiday picks
- 20 days holidays x # number of D/S divided by total number of days
With an office of 25 Deputies, the calculation is as follows:
20 days x 25 D/S= 500 total days divided by 105 total days = 4.7
Round up to the next whole number which is 5 D/S off at one time during prime time.
Additional examples:
43-47= 9 D/S
48-52= 10 D/S
53-57= 11 D/S
58-63= 12 D/S
64-68 = 13D/S
69-73 = 14 D/S
In solidarity
Dean Purdy
BCGEU Vice President & Chair
Corrections & Sheriffs Services
Component 1
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