Local 102 - Nominations for Alternates to BCGEU Triennial Convention (2 positions) - BCGEU

\*\*CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR THE 50th BCGEU TRIENNIAL CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION\*\* of 2 Alternates held June 14-17, 2017, Vancouver.\*\*

Local 102 is entitled to 1 delegate to BCGEU Triennial Convention. The 102 Local Chairperson, Shane Rush and 2 Alternate delegates. The local is seeking nominations for up to 2 Alternates to fill the delegate seat at Convention if for any reason the Local Chairperson cannot attend for the Local.

1.    Close of Nominations for Convention Delegates (Nomination Form attached)
2.    Election of 2 Alternates

If you are interested in being an Alternate Delegate to Convention, please complete the attached nomination form and return it in person to the Nanaimo Area Office or via facsimile to 1 800 946 0247 before 5:00 p.m. March 1, 2017.

Nominations not received prior to the close of nominations will not be considered. If there are more nominations received than seats available to the Local at convention, a delegate election will be conducted. If you require additional nomination forms, please feel free to copy the form or contact our area office at 1-800-667-1997.

In solidarity

Shane Rush
Local 102 Chairperson

Download PDF of nomination form here
