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C4 Lifelabs members - LifeLabs bargaining survey – don’t miss your chance to weigh in - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

The next round of bargaining to renew our collective agreement is just around the corner.

This is our chance to fight for better wages, working conditions, benefits, and more – but we need your help to decide which issues we should prioritize in this round of bargaining.

Will you fill out a short bargaining survey to let us know what issues are most important to you? The survey closes on February 9, 2024, so there’s no time to waste.

Click here to take the LifeLabs bargaining survey now.

Our collective agreement determines everything from our wages and vacation days to rules about seniority, scheduling, health and safety, and more. Our current contract is set to expire on March 31, 2024, and negotiations for the next contract will start soon.

Your bargaining committee will look at the results of the bargaining survey to decide on our bargaining priorities ­– and it’s important that we hear from everyone at LifeLabs to make sure we get it right.

Don’t miss your chance to weigh in. Click here to take the bargaining survey before February 9.

In solidarity,

Your LifeLabs Bargaining Committee


Mandy DeFields, Bargaining Committee Chairperson
Kelly Jeffs, Bargaining Committee member
Maryam Baghalha, Bargaining Committee member
Tony Ly, Bargaining Committee member
Rosario Viray, Bargaining Committee member
Wendy Cummer, Bargaining Committee member
Linsay Buss, Staff Representative - Negotiations