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Canadian Diabetes Association - Opening Bargaining Committee Nominations - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Nominations are now open for the position of two (2) bargaining committee members.

Your current collective agreement expires on February 17, 2025. As such, the Union is now preparing for the next round of collective bargaining, which will begin once a bargaining committee has been elected. We need your help and participation to elect two (2) members from the bargaining unit to the position as committee member.

The Bargaining committee member will:
  • Attend caucus meetings and assisting in the development of bargaining proposals;
  • Assist in gathering and distributing information from and to members at the worksite;
  • Attend collective bargaining sessions with the Employer;
  • Provide feedback and information to the Staff Representative during the bargaining process;
  • Assist in developing proposals and participating in discussions on the Employer’s proposals and
  • Assist with ratification or other votes or meetings that may be held related to bargaining.

The Union will provide training to the members of the bargaining committee and the committee will work directly with the BCGEU Staff Representatives during negotiations.

If you are interested in taking on this important role, or know someone who would, please complete the attached nomination form and return it to the BCGEU Lower Mainland Area Office no later than 5:00 pm on February 19, 2025 - Attention: Romeena Sidhu via email at [email protected], (preferred); by facsimile at 604-215-1410; or by mail to Suite 130-2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver, BC, V5M 0C4. If there are more nominations than positions available, the Union will conduct an election.

In solidarity,
Romeena Sidhu, Staff Representative

Nomination Form for Canadian Diabetes Association Bargaining Committee

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