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Community Social Services: New Agreement on Portability and Retention Reached

Earlier this year, an agreement was reached that could allow union members covered by the  Community Social Services (CSS) General Services, Community Living and Aboriginal Services collective agreements to transfer seniority as it pertains to wages and vacation from a job with one CSS employer to another within the Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA).

The process is not automatic and specific criteria must be met in order to participate. Where an employer chooses to participate in the portability program, the union member shall have noted in their letter of hire that the portability clause applies.

Regular employees (i.e. not casual), may move directly from one CSS employer to another and transfer their seniority for the purposes of calculating vacation entitlement and determining the wage step increment.

In order to be considered for portability, regular employees must: 

  • have ended their employment with a CSS employer and be hired by the new CSS employer within 12 months; 
  • successfully complete their probationary period with the new employer; 
  • work in the same or similar classification (position) at both employers; and
  • have the agreement of the new employer.

Once the criteria is met and upon successful completion of the probationary period the employee will be credited with both portable benefits (a) vacation entitlement and (b) Wages – Appendix A.

The creation of this process is another step in ensuring that we’re able to recruit and retain the best caring professionals for our sector. We will continue to pursue a more seamless process of portability in future agreements, and we feel that this agreement is an important first step. 

The details of the process are outlined in a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between your union bargaining association (the CSSBA) and the Community Social Services Employers Association (CSSEA).