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Component 10 primarily includes members who work for private corporations, contracted by the government to maintain provincial highways and bridges. The component also includes members employed by the Canada Line, small private ferries, some municipal governments and other private companies connected with technical services.


May 09, 2016

Local 1010 meeting

DATE: Monday, May 16th, 2016 TIME: 7:00 pm PLACE: BCGEU Peace River Area Office            10251 100 St.            Fort St. John, BC AGENDA Topics will include: News and updates from Component Pensions  Component Vice President Rory Smith will be in attendance All members of 1010 are encouraged to come In solidarity Kathy Weaver Staff Representative Download PDF of notice here. ...

May 04, 2016

BCGEU president’s statement re: Fort McMurray wildfire & $50k donation

NEW: The BCGEU has made a $50,000 donation to the Canadian Red Cross towards relief efforts. Like you, I’ve been watching the images and video footage from wildfire-ravaged Fort McMurray, Alberta. It’s heartbreaking to see. The lives of those affected have been changed forever. We know some of our BCGEU members have loved ones and friends who’ve been impacted by the evacuation of a staggerin...

May 04, 2016

Local 1003 Members at Protrans BC worksite stewards

Please welcome Kirsten Campbell and Kevin Doiron as the newly acclaimed shop stewards that join the list of stewards below. This notice is to advise all BCGEU members at Protrans BC that the following people are the current shop stewards for your worksite:     David         Barton     Kirsten      Campbell     Lana          Charlebois     Madelaine   Chubak     Guy           Crooks     Diane ...

May 02, 2016

BC Federation of Labour "Stress in the Workplace" Course

The “Understanding and Preventing Stress in the Workplace” course will be offered at the Castlegar area office on Friday June 3, 2016 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. This course will be facilitated by a BC Federation of Labour Health and Safety Centre facilitator. This course is designed to help identify stressors such as job demands, job control, lack of support, organization styles, bullying and lac...

May 02, 2016

Area 05 Stewards Educational Seminar – Pension Workshop

The Area 05 Cross Component Committee is pleased to invite you for a free education session regarding a Pension Workshop. This educational session will be useful for all BCGEU members who want more information related to Pensions and Pension Plans.     WHERE: Kamloops Area Office                    158 Oriole Road, Kamloops                   After hours entrance at right rear of building.    ...

April 29, 2016

BC Corps of Commissionaires (West Coast Express) ratification vote results

The Union is pleased to announce that the membership has confirmed the Bargaining Committee’s recommendation of acceptance and has ratified the tentative agreement. The vote was 100% in favour of ratification. Thank you to all members that took the time to nominate committee members, submit bargaining proposals, attend the information meetings, and participated in the ratification vote. The U...

April 28, 2016

Member Update - April 27, 2016

BCGEU president Stephanie Smith provides an update on some of the important events and initiatives the BCGEU is involved with in April and May.

April 28, 2016

Stephanie Smith: Day of Mourning 2016

UPDATE: Day of Mourning photos Many of you will be attending Day of Mourning events on April 28 in different communities around our province. Some of you will be there to honour and remember your co-workers and family members or to show solidarity and empathy for those who have been affected by the death or injury of a worker. The provincial government will be lowering flags on all provincia...

April 27, 2016

Speak out against death threats to union leaders in Colombia

We have been alerted through CoDevelopment Canada and our Colombian partner NOMADESC that there has been a new round of death threats against numerous human rights defenders and union leaders. These threats are taking place in the Valle de Cauca region, and originate with the paramilitary group Gaitanistas Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AGC). This is the latest incident in a recent increase i...

April 27, 2016

BCGEU supports transgender human rights bill

On Wednesday, April 27, 2016 NDP MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert is presenting the Trans Equality Bill to the BC Legislature. This bill will ensure that trans and gender variant British Columbians are explicitly protected under the B.C. Human Rights Code. It is Chandra Herbert’s fourth attempt to introduce the private member’s bill. BCGEU President Stephanie Smith has sent a letter in support of...

April 27, 2016

The BCGEU is proud to endorse the Sanctuary City principles

When refugee applicants come to Canada, there is often an assumption that Canada is a safer place than their home countries. But if you have a precarious migration status or no status at all, and you fear being turned over to the immigration authorities, life here is not safe at all. Transit, health care, and community based social services workers could all be directed by their employers to d...

April 25, 2016

BC Corps of Commissionaires (West Coast Express) tentative ratification vote

The Bargaining Committee has reached a tentative agreement with the Employer by way of a Memorandum of Settlement. Copies of the settlement will be available at the meeting and members will have the opportunity to ask questions prior to voting. The ratification meeting is as follows: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 @ 10:30 a.m. BCGEU Fraser Valley Area Office 8555 – 198 A Street, Langley, BC In s...

April 25, 2016

Mainroad Contracting Ltd call for nominations for alternate bargaining commit...

Nominations for one (1) alternate bargaining committee member for your maintenance contract area are now open.  Those elected to the bargaining committee also become the members on the labour/management committee. The Committee is as follows: Orlando Bokor Joe Reith Kevin Thomasen A nomination form is attached to this bulletin. Nominations close on April 28, 2016 and can be dropped off ...

April 25, 2016

Ergonomics in the workplace

Ergonomics is the science of adapting the workplace to the worker and the product to the user. You are at risk of developing musculoskeletal injuries (MSI) when you carry out work without first considering how the workplace suits you. This can lead to disabling conditions if not recognized and treated in the early stages. The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sections 4.46 – 4.53, re...

April 22, 2016

VP Rory Smith: Thanks to everyone involved who helped us reach this milestone...

I am extremely happy with the news that the successful bidder of the Service Area 11 contract is Mainroad. This means our professional, qualified and experienced members will continue to keep our roads safe in the East Kootenays. It was just over a year ago that meetings started with the Ministry of Transportation to address the issue of successorship for Service Area 11 in the East Kootenays....

April 22, 2016

BCGEU members will continue to maintain highways in East Kootenays

The Ministry of Transportation announced today a seven-year agreement with Mainroad Contracting to maintain highways in the East Kootenays. “This is good news for our members, the travelling public, and other stakeholders who rely on well-maintained highways, roads and bridges in the area,” said BCGEU president Stephanie Smith. “Our local crews know the local roads. The collective agreement we...

April 22, 2016

Protrans steward nominations open

The Local Chairperson has authorized the opening of nominations for all BCGEU members in good standing at Protrans for three (3) steward positions. Those elected or acclaimed will serve out the remainder of the three year term as outlined in the Union’s constitution and will cease in the Winter of 2018.   Nominations are open effective 9:00am April 25, 2016 and close April 29, 2016 at 4:00pm.  ...

April 20, 2016

Station Attendant's and Faregate Attendant's - Protrans Memorandum of Agreeme...

The Union and Employer have experienced some unanticipated delays in wrapping up our discussions regarding a Memorandum regarding the status of Station/Faregate Attendants. It is our hope the matter will be resolved by the end of next week. We will update you as soon as there is more information. In solidarity Richard Tones Staff Representative Download PDF of notice here. UNIFOR467/MoveUP