Component 12 includes members who work for the B.C. Government and non-government employers providing front-line administrative and support services.

They work in a variety of classifications and positions: administrative officer, clerk, postal clerk, clerk stenographer, coordinator of volunteers, court clerk, financial officer, health unit aide, medical records librarian and technician, office assistant, data processing operator, radio, teletype and switchboard operators, stationery clerk and stockworker.


April 07, 2016

Local 1203 union meeting

DATE: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 TIME: 6:00 – 8:00 pm PLACE: Lower Mainland Area Office – Musqueam Room             130-2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver, BC   AGENDA Guest Speaker: Andrea Duncan, Co-Chair of the BCGEU Provincial Executive International Solidarity Committee, will be speaking about the important work that the committee does supporting programs and organizations that promote worker sol...

April 07, 2016

BCGEU Occupational Health and Safety Networker Outreach

The Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Networker team had their initial meeting in January. The 21 BCGEU members appointed to the team are from all areas of the province. One of their first tasks is to contact BCGEU OHS committee representatives to let them know about upcoming training opportunities.  The Networkers are also busy calling OHS representatives in their areas to determine if the...

April 06, 2016

Local 1201 – Stewards meeting

DATE: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 TIME: 5:30 – 8:30 pm PLACE: BCGEU Victoria Area Office (2994) Douglas Street   AGENDA Follow up on previous meeting Open Shop Steward discussion ** Food and beverages will be provided ** In solidarity Cathy McCallum, BCGEU Staff Representative Maria Middlemiss, Local 1201 Chairperson Download PDF of notice here. UNIFOR467/MoveUP

April 04, 2016

Member Update - April, 2016

BCGEU president Stephanie Smith is joined by Community Social Services Component VP Andrea Duncan and first vice chair Pamela Pye from worksite visits in Port Coquitlam.

April 04, 2016

OHS Reps in Area 02 - BC Federation of Labour "Emergency Preparedness" Course

The “Emergency Preparedness” course will be offered at the Nanaimo area office on Monday May 2, 2016 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. This course will be facilitated by a BC Federation of Labour Health and Safety Centre facilitator. This course has been designed to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of the planning and preparations needed to assist workplaces to respond before, durin...

April 01, 2016

Stephanie Smith and BCGEU vice presidents meet with Minister Mike Morris

BCGEU president Stephanie Smith met yesterday with Mike Morris, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. Also attending the meeting were BCGEU vice presidents Dean Purdy (Corrections and Sheriff Services-Component 1) Doug Kinna, (Social, Information and Health-Component 6) and Lori Joaquin (Administrative Services-Component 12) along with the Component 12 first vice chair Maria Middlemi...

March 31, 2016

Local 1201 members nomination for local executive - Recorder

Nominations are open for following position on the Local Executive:  Recorder (1 position) The term is two years. Information on the responsibilities and activities of each office is available from your Area Office. The deadline for nominations is: Friday, April 29, 2016 by 5:00 p.m. If there is an election for a position, candidates may submit one page of information (8-1/2 x 11, black ...

March 23, 2016

Forests and Water: Key elements of environmental and economic stability

In March every year the United Nations commemorates two important days. The International Day of Forests (March 21) and World Water Day (March 22) are celebrated together to focus attention on the fact that the health of these two natural elements are interconnected with the economic and social health of the entire population of our planet. Forests cover one third of the global land mass and a...

March 21, 2016

Recognizing the movement to eliminate racial discrimination

March 21 is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The date was selected by the United Nations to honour the 69 people who were killed by police at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid in Sharpeville, South Africa in 1960. In South Africa, March 21 is a public holiday, "Human Rights Day," to commemorate the lives that have been lost in the fight for democracy ...

March 21, 2016

OHS training at the BC Federation of Labour

The BCGEU Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) department is offering additional training through the BC Federation of Labour for government and labour code OHS worker representatives. These training sessions are for specific courses we do not offer through the BCGEU. The one or two day OHS course is a pre-requisite to the BC Federation of Labour OHS training. Your employer must pay for you to...