Component 17 includes members in a variety of sectors in B.C.

They are employed by casinos, hotels, banks, credit unions, B.C. Place, B.C. Housing Management, some Royal Canadian Legion operations, B.C. Milk Marketing Board, Compass Foods, regional districts plus private businesses.


February 25, 2016

Vancity tentative agreement ratified

Your Bargaining Committee is pleased to announce the ratification of the tentative collective agreement with members voting 62% in favour.  The Committee would like to thank you for your support and assistance during this set of negotiations. In solidarity Andy Gill, Bargaining Unit Chairperson Sabina Braidwood, Bargaining Committee Member Janet Cruz, Bargaining Committee Member Jasdeep San...

February 25, 2016

BC Budget 2016: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

The B.C. Liberal Government has delivered yet another of its “balanced” budgets, dressed in sleight-of-hand fiscal manoeuvering, ambiguous language, and cavalier comparisons to other provinces and jurisdictions. Sadly, and once again, the fiscal planning of our elected government puts in second place the essential public goods and services British Columbians require to lead prosperous, inclusi...

February 24, 2016

Vancity Branch 70 Occupational Health and Safety Representative (2 positions)

If you are interested in becoming an Occupational Health and Safety Representative at your worksite, please email Kerry Nelless at [email protected] with your name and contact information. The deadline to submit your interest is March 8, 2016. Training will be provided by the Union. In solidarity Shinder Aujla Staff Representative Download PDF of notice here. UNIFOR467/MoveUP

February 19, 2016

BC Place PavCo bargaining update

The BCGEU and BC Place management have been negotiating a total of 7 days of bargaining since the proposals were tabled on December 15, 2015.  Complete proposal packages have been tabled by both parties and negotiations have so far concentrated on non-monetary issues. Negotiations have moved slowly so far as there is a lot of detail to work through on the non-monetary items.  There's a protoc...

February 19, 2016

Vancity Branch 70 joint labour management committee (2 positions)

Please be advised that nominations are now open for two (2) Joint Labour Management Committee positions at your worksite.  Please see the attached nomination form. Nomination forms must be received at the Fraser Valley Area Office by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 4, 2016.  Should we receive more nominations than positions available, an election(s) will occur.  Completed nomination forms may be f...

February 17, 2016

Member Update - Budget 2016 Response

BCGEU president Stephanie Smith provides the union's response to the BC government's 2016 budget, which was introduced to the legislature on February 16, 2016.

February 17, 2016

BCGEU unionizes advocacy group Leadnow

Leadnow employees have organized to join the BCGEU. The organization works to promote democracy and social justice in Canada. It describes itself as: ‘an independent advocacy organization that runs campaigns on the major issues of our time, engages people in participatory decision-making, and organizes in communities across Canada.’ “We’re delighted to welcome Leadnow into the BCGEU family. T...

February 17, 2016

Local 1705 member nominations open for local executive

Nominations are now open for following positions on the Local Executive: 2nd Vice-Chairperson Treasurer 2 Members-at-Large, of which one may be a Young Worker Representative (29 years or under) designated as Member-at-Large This three-year term expires in 2018.  Information on the responsibilities and activities of each office is available from your Area Office. Nominations for these Ex...

February 17, 2016

Starlight Casino – Gateway Casinos ratification results

We are pleased to announce that the new collective agreement has been ratified by 67%. The committee thanks the membership for their support throughout the bargaining and ratification process.  In Solidarity Starlight Bargaining Committee: Chris Mudry Michael Vyner Megan Washington Angela Mahlmann – Staff Representative Download PDF of notice. UNIFOR467/MoveUP

February 16, 2016

Increased funding for MCFD welcome news, investment overdue in other ministries

“We welcome the increased funding for the Ministry for Children and Family Development announced in today’s budget. Our union, and especially our frontline members, have worked hard to convince government that a significant increase is crucial for the ministry. Their concerns were detailed in the BCGEU report Choose Children, and these efforts have paid off. Additional frontline social workers,...

February 12, 2016

Congratulations David Vipond!

Today is a day many thought would never happen: it is BCGEU Director David Vipond’s last day on the job before retirement. For those that don’t know David, he’s been one of the behind the scenes heroes of the BCGEU throughout the last 35 years, and it’s hard to imagine what the BCGEU will be like without him. David’s history with the BCGEU began as an member, working at the B.C. Liquor Dist...