Component 1 includes members who work as Correctional Officers in provincial prisons and as Deputy Sheriffs for the B.C. Sheriff Services.


September 05, 2024

Correctional Officers - New rogue policy implemented by Corrections employer ...

As you may be aware, Kamloops Regional Correctional Centre (KRCC) management has recently implemented a new sick time protocol when Correctional Officers at KRCC book off sick. Management is now requiring these members to call in twice to have their sick time approved or they will not be paid: the first phone call to the supervisor and a second, follow-up call to a manager.  This same policy ma...

July 26, 2024

Local 103 General Meeting & Call for Bargaining Proposals - BC General Employ...

DATE & TIME:       August 21, 2024 | 6:00PM – 8:00PMPLACE:                  Lower Mainland Area Office – Squamish Room & Via Zoom (link                               below) – #130 - 2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver            Hello Local 103 Members! You are invited to the next Local 103 General Meeting on Wednesday August 21st which will be focused on developing proposals for the next roun...

July 03, 2024

Freddy Blondel – In memoriam - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

To all Component 1 members, As you may know by now, Deputy Sheriff Freddy Blondel tragically lost his life in a motor vehicle accident in Bow, Washington on June 23, 2024. Freddy was an Edmonton Police Officer as well as a member of the Edmonton Police ERT before joining the BC Sheriff Service upon his retirement. From speaking to our members about Freddy, I can tell you that he was a well-resp...

July 02, 2024

All BCGEU members working in courthouses in the Lower Mainland – Administrati...

BC courthouses are experiencing severe staffing shortages, impacting the ability of the Sheriff Service to staff criminal proceedings in court. Every day, in courthouses around the Lower Mainland, there are criminal court rooms that do not have an assigned sheriff. The union has been advised of situations where court clerks are being asked to work in court rooms without a deputy sheriff present...

June 12, 2024

Attorney General Deputy Sheriffs - Vacation Selection Grievance - BC General...

To:   All Component 1 Deputy Sheriffs Re:   Vacation Selection Grievance   It has come to the attention of your Union that B.C. Sheriff Service (BCSS) is restricting vacation selection for Deputy Sheriffs during the prime-time vacation period, from May 1 to September 30, inclusive. In response, your Union has filed a Union Grievance demanding that the Employer rescind arbitrary ratios for prim...

May 28, 2024

Listen: Dean Purdy on CBC re: Nanaimo’s new prison - BC General Employees' Un...

As you are likely aware, the new Nanaimo Correctional Centre recently opened near Brannen Lake, beside the old facility which is set to be torn down. Nearly 100 BCGEU members are working at the new centre. BCGEU Component 1 VP Dean Purdy toured the new centre last week and spoke with CBC's Jason D'Souza about his impressions. Dean provided several updates and shared some feedback he has heard f...

May 07, 2024

BC Sheriff Service members at Vancouver Robson Square Provincial Court at 800...

Your union, the BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU), is opening nominations for one union steward position at your worksite. Nominations close on June 7, 2024.Stewards are involved in assisting union members with:• Helping co-workers interpret and understand their collective agreement;• Supporting co-workers in meetings with management;• Assisting with any grievances or complaints and helping t...

May 01, 2024

Motor vehicle act amendments given royal assent - BC General Employees' Union...

Our union is pleased to provide an update to the news we reported to you in March about an amendment to the Motor Vehicle Act. As a direct result of our union's advocacy and our continued dialogue with B.C.'s Attorney General Niki Sharma, one of the key priorities highlighted in our last three meetings with Minister Sharma will be passed in the legislature. The amendment, introduced to the legi...

April 26, 2024

Article 29 Committees - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

What are Article 29 Committees?  Article 29 Committees are a place for our union and management to meet and discuss workplace issues on a regular basis. There is one for each ministry and they are established under your collective agreement. Known informally as "labour-management committees", Article 29 committees are important because they facilitate relationship-building during the term of yo...