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Component 1 includes members who work as Correctional Officers in provincial prisons and as Deputy Sheriffs for the B.C. Sheriff Services.


September 07, 2022

BCGEU Public Service Tentative Agreement Highlights - BC General Employees' U...

Highlights of tentative agreement As promised in yesterday’s bulletin, here are the highlights of the tentative agreement. The full text of the agreement will be available early next week in a ratification document that will explain the details of the tentative agreement and how those changes will impact you and your co-workers. Now that we’ve reached a tentative agreement with your employer, t...

September 06, 2022

BCGEU Public Service Bargaining Committee reaches tentative agreement with Pu...

Following seven months of negotiations and a historic job action lasting over two weeks, your bargaining committee has reached a tentative agreement with your employer – B.C.’s Public Service Agency (PSA). This agreement covers you and 33,000 other bargaining unit members working in direct government service.   The committee worked through the weekend on the details and have signed off on the a...

August 30, 2022

Returning to work after job action - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

To all BCGEU members employed by the B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch who have been in strike action:Your solidarity on the picket lines these last few weeks succeeded in getting the employer to invite us back to the table and working towards a tentative agreement. As an act of good faith we agreed to end our strike action while negotiations continue. Please note that the media and communication...

August 17, 2022

Handling Pacific Coast shipments now struck work - BC General Employees' Unio...

Job action update: Handling shipments from Pacific Coast is now struck workOn Monday August 15th at 3:30 pm your fellow BCGEU members working at the distribution and wholesale centres commenced strike action. Since then your union has learned that the employer has distributed product through a third party, Pacific Coast Distribution Ltd.  We are taking immediate strike action in response to thi...

August 05, 2022

We’re ready - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Photos: picket signs at BCGEU headquarters are ready to be distributed to While your bargaining committee waits for the provincial government to call us back to the bargaining table, our union is continuing to work with our legal team in final preparations to action the 95 per cent strike mandate. We will be in a position to issue strike notice to your employer soon and we will update you as ...

July 28, 2022

Bargaining update: When can we strike? - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

When can we strike?Our union is being prevented from being in a legal strike position by the B.C. government’s insistence on high essential services levels that would dramatically reduce the effectiveness of a strike. As a result, your bargaining committee and our legal team are contesting their positions through the Labour Relations Board so we can exercise the strike mandate as soon as po...

July 22, 2022

Public service strike FAQ - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

You've voted in favour of strike action…now what?After our historic member-led strike vote in June, talks resumed between your committee and your employer, the Public Service Agency (PSA). Talks quickly broke down again because your employer once again failed to table a wage offer that met your needs. While our goal remains achieving a fair agreement at the bargaining table, members may need to...

July 15, 2022

A message from your Public Service Bargaining Committee - BC General Employee...

  Last week we reported to you on the status of bargaining and our desire to return to the bargaining table as soon as the PSA has a revised offer to present – one which protects against increasing inflation by including a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA).  Securing an agreement with inflation protection is still your committee’s top priority in negotiations. Click here to watch a v...

July 06, 2022

Special message from your Public Service Bargaining Committee - BC General Em...

Special message from your Public Service Bargaining CommitteeLast fall, we conducted the most detailed and comprehensive preparations for public service negotiations in BCGEU history. This included reviewing nearly 500 proposals from union locals, 5800 bargaining survey results and polling results from over 5000 members. By engaging in extensive consultation with you, we learned about your chal...