Component 20 includes members who work for the B.C. Government engaged in engineering support and inspectional duties at the technical level, as well as those charged with protecting and regulating natural resources or ensuring the quality of the environment.


March 10, 2017

Save the Date – for File This! BCGEU administrative services conference

Are you a BCGEU member works in an office environment providing administrative services OR provides frontline service to the public in an administrative role? If the answer is YES, then save these dates: Sunday, October 1 to Tuesday, October 3, 2017 for “File This!”, a BCGEU conference for members who work in administrative services. The conference will be held in Richmond, B.C. and feature g...

March 08, 2017

We stand in solidarity with the Jewish Community in Vancouver

The BCGEU expresses its condemnation of the bomb threat made to a Vancouver Jewish Community Centre last night. This kind of violence and anti-Semitism must not be tolerated. We stand in solidarity with the Jewish Community, and the families affected by this event. We are also heartened by expressions of support British Columbians are extending to the Jewish Community as we stand against hate ...

March 07, 2017

Happy International Women?s Day - Will you #BeBoldForChange?

Today, we?re proud to celebrate International Women?s Day 2017 ? Be Bold for Change. International Women?s Day is a day to celebrate the valuable achievements women have made across the world and a time to reflect on the progress made to advance equality for women. Despite these successes, we recognize that there are still many barriers and challenges that remain in working towards gender parit...

March 07, 2017

OHS Courses for Direct Government OHS Committee Members in the Lower Mainland...

"2 Day Joint OHS Committee Training" will be held on Tuesday, March 21 and Wednesday, March 22, 2017. "Ergonomics" will be held on Thursday, March 23, 2017. These courses will be held at the Burnaby Head Office? 4911 Canada Way, Burnaby from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm. In the Joint OHS Committee Training course you will learn: Worker OHS rights, including the refusal of unsafe work procedure OHS le...

March 06, 2017

OHS Course - Vancouver Area - Prevention of Workplace Violence - Wednesday, A...

To all Labour Code OHS Committee Members in the Vancouver Area "Prevention of Workplace Violence" will be held on Wednesday, April 19. This course will be held at the BCGEU office at #130-2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm In the Prevention of Workplace Violence you will learn: The legislative requirements for a violence prevention program The definition of workplace viole...

March 02, 2017

Learn more about the benefits provider transition happening on April 1.

A lot of questions and comments came in with the benefits provider transition announcement in January.  Download a PDF version an information bulletin from the Public Services Agency. (March 2, 2017)

March 02, 2017

New Employee and Family Assistance Program contract announced

Effective April 1, 2017, the contract for providing Employee and Family Assistance Services (formerly referred to as Employee and Family Assistance Program or EFAP) will change. The contract with the current provider, Homewood Health, expires on March 31, 2017. The new provider, Morneau Shepell, will assume the contract on April 1, 2017. For the first time, the BCGEU participated in the Request...

March 01, 2017

BCGEU partner APSIES in El Salvador - women's empowerment

Supported through CoDevelopment Canada, APSIES is a grassroots organization that works in five rural municipalities in southeastern El Salvador to mobilize citizens to protect and enhance publicly-funded healthcare and other social services. APSIES takes a comprehensive approach to health as a human right, with a special emphasis on women?s empowerment primarily through education and capacity-b...

February 27, 2017

Local 2012 Nomination for Vacant Positions for your Local Executive

Nominations are now open for the vacant positions on your Local Executive:  1st Vice Chair & Member-At-Large Your Local Executive is as follows: Position Name Work Phone Chair Kris Garneau (250) 692-2296 1st Vice Chair VACANT   2nd Vice Chair Scott Parker (250) 847-7206 Treasurer Ron Haines (250) 845-5822 ...

February 25, 2017

Remembering Millie Canessa: July 20, 1927 - February 19, 2017

Mildred ?Millie? Irene Canessa July 20, 1927 - February 19, 2017 Long-time trade unionist and social activist Millie Canessa passed away Sunday morning. An ardent defender of human rights and social justice causes including gender equality and workers' rights, Millie dedicated most of her life to bettering her community. Millie joined the Government Employees' Association in 1967, prior to t...

February 24, 2017

“Balanced” Budget 2017 tips the scales pre-election

BC Budget 2017 This week, the BC Liberals delivered a pre-election budget with uncharacteristic commitments to new spending. In his budget speech, Finance Minister Mike de Jong boasted about the province’s ability to make service and program investments after so many years of discipline and sacrifice by British Columbians. Indeed—albeit on the heels of intense public and media pressure—there ...