Component 20 includes members who work for the B.C. Government engaged in engineering support and inspectional duties at the technical level, as well as those charged with protecting and regulating natural resources or ensuring the quality of the environment.


January 26, 2017

Statement on deportation of Arthur Lorenzo Jr.

Today, January 26, 2017 Arthur Lorenzo Jr., a migrant worker who has fought hard for the rights of migrant workers and in the community with LGBTQ refugees is going to be deported for his activism.  Arthur raised the issues of the exploitative working conditions as restaurant worker.   After standing up for his rights, which resulted in his employer’s permit being temporarily suspended, Arthu...

January 20, 2017

Local 2012 Union Meeting

COMPONENT: Environmental Technical and Operational LOCAL:          2012 DATE:           Wednesday February 22, 2017 TIME:            6:00 pm PLACE:          BCGEU Terrace Area Office                      102-4710 Lazelle Ave, Terrace, B.C.                       or                      Conference Call – Dial 1-866-562-0090, ID#:  567027 AGENDA Call for Nominations and the Election of Local 2...

January 19, 2017

$10-a-day child care would boost B.C. economy in 3 years, report suggests

A $10-a-day child care plan in B.C. would start paying itself off in three years, according to a new report.   Read More...