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Component 3 includes members who work in community social services.

These caring professionals provide supports, services, and resources to vulnerable families and individuals across the province. They include supporting adults and children with developmental disabilities, women and children fleeing violence, youth-at-risk, child care, community justice services, Indigenous services, and employment services, among others. With over 15,000 workers in the sector, BCGEU is the largest community social services union in B.C.


November 28, 2017

Sacred Water Ceremony - BCGEU

National Aboriginal Peoples CircleBCGEUVancouver Island Human Rights CommitteePSACBC Presents a  SACRED WATER CEREMONY According to Vice News Canada, as of July 31 2017, there were a total of 121 First Nations under 172 drinking water advisories across Canada. ACCESS TO CLEAN AND SAFE WATER IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT Join Todd Smith, PSAC A/Regional Executive Vice-President, and Sussanne Skidmore, ...

November 28, 2017

Union Meeting for members at Downtown Eastside Women's Centre - BCGEU

COMPONENT:  Community Social Services LOCAL:             303 – BCGEU Members at Downtown Eastside Women's Centre DATE:              Tuesday, December 5, 2017 TIME:               6:00 pm – 7:30 pm PLACE:              BCGEU Lower Mainland Area Office                         #130-2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver                          (Squamish Room)   I hope that you are all doing well. A Union Me...

November 28, 2017

BCGEU launches housing affordability plan - BCGEU

Following the launch of a campaign on housing affordability earlier this month, the B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU) has released a report detailing recommendations on how the province can solve the housing affordability crisis. The Building an Affordable B.C. report provides recommendations aimed at tackling the root of the housing crisis: speculation on the part of financi...

November 23, 2017

Quadra Daycare Society Bargaining Committee Nominations and Survey - BCGEU

I am the BCGEU Staff Representative who will be working with your bargaining committee on this round of bargaining. I was pleased to be your representative in the last round of bargaining in 2015, and am very much looking forward to working with all of you again. Your current collective agreement expires March 31st, 2018, so negotiations between your Employer and the BCGEU will begin shortly. W...

November 21, 2017

Bargaining Update # 1 for Island Crisis Care Society - BCGEU

Your bargaining committee met last week to develop bargaining strategies and review the many priorities brought forward by you. Thank you. Based upon those suggestions we have developed many proposals to take to the bargaining table. Bargaining is set to commence on November 30th. We are bound by the Labour Relations Board to not discuss proposals and strategies outside the bargaining committee...

November 21, 2017

The National Inquiry into into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girl...

        On November 1, 2017 the commissioners for the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls released their interim report, Our Women and Girls are Sacred. As an organization with standing in the Inquiry, the BCGEU has carefully reviewed the 118-page report which clearly demonstrates the enormous scope of the Inquiry. The report includes some very startling statis...

November 21, 2017

On the National Inquiry into into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and G...

On November 1, 2017 the commissioners for the National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls released their interim report, Our Women and Girls are Sacred. As an organization with standing in the Inquiry, the BCGEU has carefully reviewed the 118-page report which clearly demonstrates the enormous scope of the Inquiry. The report includes some very startling statistics – I...

November 20, 2017

Bargaining Committee Nominations at Lower Mainland Purpose Society (LMPS) - B...

Your current collective agreement with LMPS expires on March 31, 2018. You therefore need to elect a bargaining committee to negotiate the new collective agreement with your Employer. You will be electing up to three bargaining committee members, with a maximum of one member from any one Centre, plus one alternate. Attached to this notice is a nomination form for the bargaining committee member...

November 20, 2017

­­B.C.’s fastest growing union launches housing affordability plan - BCGEU

­­B.C.'s fastest growing union launches housing affordability plan     Following the launch of a campaign on housing affordability earlier this month, the B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU) has released a report detailing recommendations on how the province can solve the housing affordability crisis.   The Building an Affordable B.C. report provides recommendations aimed at ta...

November 18, 2017

Human Rights Commission - BCGEU

As you may be aware, the province has been undertaking steps to reinstate the BC Human Rights Commission. The BCGEU is pleased to hear that the provincial government is taking this step and that the province has called on all British Columbians to engage in the process by sharing their thoughts and opinions on what the commission should look like. The BCGEU has developed a submission that bring...

November 09, 2017

BCGEU out of gate early with public service bargaining conferences - BCGEU

VANCOUVER – The B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU) is ramping up pre-bargaining efforts by conducting bargaining conferences this week, even though most collective agreements aren't set to expire until 2019. Delegates from across the province gathered in Vancouver to hammer out bargaining priorities for upcoming negotiations, which are expected to take place in the new year. "...

November 08, 2017

Aboriginal Veterans Day - BCGEU

On November 8th we, as Canadians, honor and celebrate the great contributions and sacrifices that Aboriginal peoples have made in defending Canada during times of war. Aboriginal veterans have participated in all major wars since the war of 1812 and enlist in higher proportion than any other group in Canada.  The BCGEU is honored this year to sponsor the luncheon for veterans at the Vancouver A...

November 03, 2017

Ratification Results for Members at Salvation Army Ocean Crest Ministries – C...

  This is to advise that members at Salvation Army Ocean Crest Ministries have voted 54% against the tentative agreement.   The bargaining committee will be reviewing our options going forward.   Please stay tuned for further communication in that regard.   In solidarity,   Your Bargaining Committee:   Sue Moen, Bargaining Committee Chairperson Terrie Woods, Bargaining Committee Member Debora...

October 31, 2017

Membership Meeting and Bargaining Proposals for Members at Island Crisis Care...

Your Bargaining Committee met in September to begin the bargaining proposals. We are now looking to find out what your priorities are for this round of contract negotiations with the Employer.   Attached you will find a Bargaining Questionnaire. We ask that you take a few minutes to fill this form out and return it to the BCGEU Nanaimo Area Office. This can be done in a variety of ways:   1) Fa...

October 31, 2017

Bargaining Update for Xyolhemeylh - BCGEU

Your Union Bargaining Committee met with the Employer last Thursday to continue bargaining. A number of proposals were agreed and signed off.  Although the Union's issue of seeking more bargaining dates and the Employer's issue of seeking the Union's monetary proposal remain unresolved, the parties were able to have productive discussions on a number of proposals. Your Union Bargaining Committe...

October 30, 2017

Casual Call-In Procedure at at Milieu Families Services - BCGEU

At a recent Labour Management Committee meeting, the issue of the Casual Call-In Procedure was raised. After some discussion it was agreed that it would be useful to refresh members' understanding of the casual call-in procedures. There is specific language in the Collective Agreement and the issues are addressed in the Local Issues Memorandum of Agreement. Employees being contacted for casual...

October 30, 2017

Casual Call-In Procedure at Milieu Children and Families Services - BCGEU

At a recent Labour Management Committee meeting, the issue of the Casual Call-In Procedure was raised. After some discussion it was agreed that it would be useful to refresh members' understanding of the casual call-in procedures. There is specific language in the Collective Agreement and the issues are addressed in the Local Issues Memorandum of Agreement. Employees being contacted for casual...