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Component 3 includes members who work in community social services.

These caring professionals provide supports, services, and resources to vulnerable families and individuals across the province. They include supporting adults and children with developmental disabilities, women and children fleeing violence, youth-at-risk, child care, community justice services, Indigenous services, and employment services, among others. With over 15,000 workers in the sector, BCGEU is the largest community social services union in B.C.


March 11, 2016

Community Social Services - 304 - Diversecity

                              REVISED MEETING LOCATION                               COMPONENT:    Community Social Services – C3                                         LOCAL:    304 - DIVERSECITY                                           DATE:    Monday, March 14, 2016                                           TIME:    6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.                                         PLACE: ...

March 11, 2016

Island Crisis Care Society - Tentative Agreement Reached

Date:              March 10th, 2016 To:                 All BCGEU Members at Island Crisis Care Society Re:                 Tentative Agreement Reached Your bargaining committee is pleased to advise you that a tentative renewal collective agreement has been reached with the Employer.  While they will not be attached to the collective agreement, the agreement includes revised schedules that r...

March 10, 2016

Number of homeless youths in Vancouver continues to rise

More youth are being counted as homeless in Vancouver and they are choosing to sleep on the streets because they feel unsafe in the city’s shelters. Read more...

March 09, 2016

Local 0311 Nomination Results

Sisters and Brothers The nomination process for your vacant positions on your Local Executive (Member-At-Large Young Worker) closed on February 19, 2016. We want to take this opportunity to advise you of the results. Congratulations to Sister Kyla Conlon-Fettes who was acclaimed to the position. Your Local Executive is as follows: Chair                                                 Chris...

March 09, 2016

North American Occupational Safety and Health Week

NAOSH week is recognized annually throughout North America to promote the prevention of injury and illness at the workplace. Organizations are encouraged to participate by planning activities during this week. The theme this year is to “make health and safety a habit”. For more information go to Worksafe BC’s website at This link will g...

March 07, 2016

BCGEU Members at SPARC of BC, bargaining your new collective agreement

The time has come, once again, to negotiate a new Collective Agreement. I have been assigned as the Staff Representative to work with your Bargaining Committee. We will elect 3 members to make up the new Bargaining Committee. Nominations are now open and forms are attached. Nominations will close on March 29 and forms must be received by the Lower Mainland Area Office  by 4:30 pm, March 29. Se...

March 07, 2016

Celebrate International Women's Day - March 8

In Canada and around the world, March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day.  International Women's Day and trade unionism are historically linked. The day was initiated to commemorate the 1908 strike of women garment workers in New York, and has evolved into a world-wide movement to celebrate advances and demand improved rights for women and girls. As part of this fight for social j...

March 07, 2016

303 Steward Networking Meeting

DATE: Monday, April 4, 2016 TIME: 6:30 p.m. sharp to 7:30 p.m.  PLACE: Best Western Coquitlam Inn Convention Centre             319 North Road, Coquitlam             Salon A AGENDA This is an opportunity for Local 303 stewards to meet with Local 303 Executive members, Staff Representative(s), and with other stewards to: discuss collective agreement questions and interpretation problem-solv...

March 03, 2016

Salvation Army Stevenson House nominations of bargaining committee

In preparation for negotiations, a new bargaining committee must be elected to participate in the bargaining process.  Nominations are now open for one Chairperson on the Bargaining Committee. If more than one candidate is nominated, there will be an election.  Each candidate who is nominated, may complete and send back with their nomination form a biography of 250 words or less, which the Un...

March 03, 2016

City Hall Child Care meeting regarding tentative agreement reached

Your Bargaining Committee was able to successfully negotiate a tentative Collective Agreement with your Employer. There will be an information session regarding the tentative agreement:     Date: Thursday, March 10/16     Time: 6:00 pm     Place: City Hall Child Care We will supply a copy of the tentative agreement and information at the above meeting. In solidarity Aniquea Nazli, Bargaini...

March 03, 2016

The BCGEU celebrates Community Social Service Awareness Month

Every day, thousands of BCGEU members head to work in our communities supporting some of the most vulnerable members of our society and allowing them to live independent, productive and fulfilling lives. “It’s important to honour the valuable work of our Community Social Service members. They are truly the heart and soul of our community and social safety net,” said Stephanie Smith, BCGEU Pr...

February 29, 2016

Lower Mainland Purpose Society bargaining committee nominations and survey

Your current collective agreement with the Employer expires March 31, 2016. Negotiations between the parties will commence after a bargaining committee has been constituted. Attached, to this notice is a nomination form for the three (3) bargaining committee member positions and a bargaining survey for members to complete. Please note that the agreement restricts the composition of the committe...

February 29, 2016

Call for nominations for vacant local 302 Executive positions

Nominations are now open for following positions which are vacant on the Local 302 Executive: Recording Secretary  Member-at-Large  Equity Member-at-Large   The term is three years. The role of the Recording Secretary is as follows:  assists Local chairperson with responsibilities outlined above with the chair, sets meeting dates and develops agendas is responsible for all meeting ...

February 25, 2016

BC Budget 2016: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

The B.C. Liberal Government has delivered yet another of its “balanced” budgets, dressed in sleight-of-hand fiscal manoeuvering, ambiguous language, and cavalier comparisons to other provinces and jurisdictions. Sadly, and once again, the fiscal planning of our elected government puts in second place the essential public goods and services British Columbians require to lead prosperous, inclusi...

February 24, 2016

Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society Aboriginal Shelter - membershi...

The union wants to meet with you to go over the process, find out what your priorities are and answer any questions you may have about bargaining. Meeting Details: Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Time: 1:00 to 3:00 PM Place: VAFCS Aboriginal Shelter – 201 Central Street Refreshments will be provided. In Solidarity Selena Kongpreecha Staff Representative – Negotiations Download PDF of notic...

February 24, 2016

Salvation Army Centre of Hope bargaining update

The bargaining committee met with the Employer on February 18 and 19. We continue to negotiate each clause of your first collective agreement. We have agreed to a majority of our non-monetary items, and we have started to discuss a number of monetary items. We have five days of bargaining booked for April and continue to move forward with negotiations on your behalf. We thank you for your cont...

February 22, 2016

Boat Daycare Society tentative agreement reached

Your bargaining committee and the Employer have come to a tentative agreement.  The highlights of the new agreement include: A four year deal from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2019 A 2.25% wage increase for 2016 & 2017 A 2.5% wage increase for 2018 & 2019 Improved language on Article 4 – Union Dues and Information Improved language on Article 6 – Time off for Union Business N...