Click here for info on Bargaining 2025


Component 3 includes members who work in community social services.

These caring professionals provide supports, services, and resources to vulnerable families and individuals across the province. They include supporting adults and children with developmental disabilities, women and children fleeing violence, youth-at-risk, child care, community justice services, Indigenous services, and employment services, among others. With over 15,000 workers in the sector, BCGEU is the largest community social services union in B.C.


September 29, 2023

Victoria Cool-Aid Society Indoor Air Quality – Occupational Health and Safety...

Hello BCGEU Cool-Aid Society Members,Recently your union has been made aware of indoor air quality concerns at one or more of your work locations.Indoor air quality is an important health and safety concern for workplaces. Many workers spend their entire day working inside. When indoor air is not adequate, it can cause issues such as headaches, eye irritation, and coughs among other things. If ...

September 28, 2023

Local 301 Members at Sooke Shelter Society - Local Issues Negotiations - BC G...

Now that you are members of the BCGEU, you are covered by the Community Social Services – General Services Collective Agreement. The agreement includes Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) #1 which spells out how we will negotiate what are considered “local issues” that are not included in the main agreement. Local issues negotiations are to solidify unique working conditions only at your workplace su...

September 27, 2023

All Local 303 Members - Union Meeting - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

COMPONENT: Community Social ServicesLOCAL:          303DATE:            Tuesday, October 3, 2023TIME:            6:30 pm to 7:30 pmPLACE:          ZOOM Do you have an issue you’d like to discuss with other stewards? Join us! This online meeting is hosted by Local 303 Executive members, Jodi Woods and Shakti Duggal. Questions or concerns can be shared at the meeting or sent in advance to Kike.Ay...

September 27, 2023

All Local 303 BCGEU Stewards and Local Executive Members - Enhanced Steward T...

You are invited to attend a One-Day Enhanced Steward Training that is open to all Local 303 Stewards and Local Executive members on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, at the BCGEU Lower Mainland Area Office. This full-day event is intended to build steward confidence and solidarity.  The day is also a chance for stewards to get to know each other, the opportunity to discuss problems specific to the Loc...

September 26, 2023

All BCGEU Members at U-Hill Kinderclub - REMINDER – Bargaining Committee Nomi...

As the collective agreement with your Employer expires on December 31, 2023, we are preparing for the upcoming round of collective bargaining. If you haven’t already done so, please fill out the nomination forms to elect a maximum of three (3) bargaining committee members, and also the bargaining questionnaire. Nominations for the bargaining committee positions and the completed bargaining ques...

September 21, 2023

Union Meeting - Thursday, September 28, 2023 - BC General Employees' Union (B...

TO:           All BCGEU Members at Victoria Cool Aid SocietyDATE:        Thursday, September 28, 2023TIME:        7 p.m. – 9 p.m.PLACE:      BCGEU Victoria – 588 Burnside Road E.                (or by zoom using the link below)  Meeting on Worker Rights Around Air Quality  Please buzz at door for building entry. If you wish to attend by zoom, please use this link:

September 19, 2023

It’s time to nominate your Stewards at Wellspring Support Inc. - BC General E...

Nominations are now open for shop stewards in Local 301 at Wellspring Support Inc.The deadline for submission of nominations (form attached) is: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.  Nomination forms may be submitted by fax to Attn: Kathleen Mann at 250-384-8060 or by emailed to [email protected] stewards are the backbone of our union. They are elected workplace leaders, and anyon...

September 19, 2023

Victoria Cool Aid Society - It’s time to nominate your Stewards - BC General ...

Nominations are now open for two (2) shop stewards in Local 301 at Victoria Cool Aid Society. Your current shop stewards are:   Kate Banky Matthew Busby-O'Connor Brian Calderwood Luis DeSousa Jaime Eaglestick Lucas Hayes Peter Janz Kenon Sugie   The deadline for submission of nominations (form attached) is: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Nomination forms may be submitted by fax to At...

September 18, 2023

Lower Mainland Purpose Society Tentative Agreement Passed - BC General Employ...

Please be advised that the members at Purpose voted in favour of the tentative agreement as follows: 24 votes in favour (55.8%) 19 votes opposed (44.2%) 43 members out of 71 voted (60.6%)  The Employer will commence adjusting your current pay and will also be paying out your retroactive pay to July 1, 2023, as well as implementing the other changes to the collective agreement. Thank you to K...

September 18, 2023

BCGEU Strongly Denounces Hate-Fueled Anti-Trans Attacks - BC General Employee...

Many of you will have heard about rallies planned across the country this week which look to further anti-trans hate speech. The B.C General Employees' Union (BCGEU) vehemently condemns the upcoming wave of hate rallies slated to occur under the misleading banner of #1millionmarch4children on September 20. These rallies represent an alarming assault on the 2SLGBTQI+ community. Our families, chi...

September 13, 2023

New report demonstrates vacancy control is a common-sense policy urgently nee...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 13, 2023New report demonstrates vacancy control is a common-sense policy urgently needed to address housing crisis BURNABY, B.C. (Coast Salish Territories) – The B.C. General Employees' Union (BCGEU) today released Evaluating Prospects for Vacancy Control Policy in B.C.'s Housing Affordability Crisis, a comprehensive assessment of vacancy control policy (where re...

September 08, 2023

Local 301 - Growing Together Child & Parent Society - Bargaining Committee & ...

Nominations for two (2) bargaining committee members has closed and we have received two nominations. We are happy to announce your bargaining committee –Lori Hamilton and Danielle Unger. The Bargaining Committee will work with the BCGEU Staff Representative in negotiating your new collective agreement.The role of the bargaining committee members includes: Attending caucus meetings and develop...

September 07, 2023

U-Hill Kinderclub Bargaining Questionnaire - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

As the collective agreement with your Employer expires on December 31, 2023, we are preparing for the upcoming round of collective bargaining. The Union needs your help and participation in the preparations and bargaining process. A bargaining questionnaire has been attached to this notice. We will be preparing proposals that we will present to the Employer based on the responses received. All ...

September 05, 2023

Copy of Lower Mainland Purpose Society Tentative Agreement, Zoom Information ...

  Please see the attached ratification document showing the changes in the tentative collective agreement. The features of the tentative agreement are as follows: Two year agreement ending March 31, 2024; 8% wage increase for regular staff effective July 1, 2023; 10% to 13% wage increases for casual staff; Reduction of Step 1 hours for casual workers from 1950 to 975; Step 2 hours reduced fro...

September 01, 2023

Lower Mainland Purpose Society Tentative Agreement and Zoom Information Meeti...

We are pleased to say that the Union bargaining committee has reached a tentative collective agreement with the Employer bargaining committee. The features of the tentative agreement are as follows: Two year agreement ending March 31, 2024; 8% wage increase for regular staff effective July 1, 2023; 10% to 13% wage increases for casual staff; Reduction of Step 1 hours for casual workers from 19...

September 01, 2023

U-Hill Kinderclub Bargaining Committee Nominations – Three (3) Positions - B...

As the collective agreement with your Employer expires on December 31, 2023, we are preparing for the upcoming round of collective bargaining. The Union needs your help and participation in the preparations and bargaining process. The first step is to elect a Union bargaining committee which will negotiate the new collective agreement with the Employer bargaining committee. You will need to ele...

August 24, 2023

L301 - Sooke Society Shelter - Seniority Calculations - BC General Employees'...

To: All BCGEU Members at Sooke Shelter Society, Local 301Re: Seniority Calculations   Do you feel like your seniority has been incorrectly calculated?   We have become aware that some members at Sooke Shelter Society believe that their seniority calculation is incorrect because it is missing their work at the past shelter.   We have reached out to Sherry to resolve this issue at Step 1. Unfortu...

August 24, 2023

Emergency relief fund available for BCGEU members - BC General Employees' Uni...

These are unprecedented, difficult times. After weeks of the worst wildfire season yet, officials have declared a state of emergency and put in place evacuation orders for thousands of people in the Kelowna, West Kelowna and Shuswap areas.We have many members living in the Okanagan area and other impacted regions of B.C. Our thoughts are with you and your families at this time.As one of B.C.'s ...