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Component 3 includes members who work in community social services.

These caring professionals provide supports, services, and resources to vulnerable families and individuals across the province. They include supporting adults and children with developmental disabilities, women and children fleeing violence, youth-at-risk, child care, community justice services, Indigenous services, and employment services, among others. With over 15,000 workers in the sector, BCGEU is the largest community social services union in B.C.


August 14, 2023

Letter to MGEU Workers - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Dear MGEU liquor workers, On behalf of the B.C. General Employees' Union, I write to you to share an expression of solidarity as you stand on the line fighting for a new agreement with wages that reflect the rising cost of living. I know that you, and workers across the country, have seen your wages significantly eroded by inflation and that the government offer of a two per cent increase for e...

August 09, 2023

Trafalgar Out of School Care - Membership Meeting - August 16 - BC General Em...

We want to meet you! Your staff representatives Kike Ayantayo and Megan Cawood will be hosting a meeting at your worksite at 6pm on Wednesday August 16th, 2023. As you know, the BCGEU is about to enter bargaining with your Employer. We would like to take the time to meet with you and hear your concerns and priorities for the next Collective Agreement. We will also be able to answer any question...

August 09, 2023

Sooke Shelter Society - All-Staff Union Meeting on August 25, 2023

We will be hosting an all-staff union meeting for all union workers at Sooke Shelter Society. The meeting will be held on Zoom on August 25, 2023 at 10 am.In this meeting we will go over the classification process and what you can expect in the next few weeks. We'd love to see you there. To learn more about the classification process – click here.    Join us on Friday August 25 at 10:00 amhttps...

August 08, 2023

Members at SFU Childcare Society - Bargaining Update - BC General Employees' ...

I am please to report on behalf of the bargaining committee that the tentative agreement has been ratified by the membership with 53.8% of members participating voting in favour. Your committee will now work with the employer to create a draft agreement and final signature version. Once that has been completed an updated collective agreement will be distributed electronically to the membership ...

August 04, 2023

Local 301 - Members at IDM Youth Services - Meeting Notice

We have recently become aware that excluded Managers at IDM have been being scheduled for open Support Worker shifts. We believe that this is your bargaining unit work and that it should be offered to union members before having to resort to Managers fill-in for those open shifts. It is important that we protect your bargaining unit work and as such your Steward and Local 301 Member at Large, T...

August 04, 2023

SFU Childcare Society Ratification Vote Update - Urgent - BC General Employee...

There has been an unfortunate error with Simply Voting that ended voting at 2pm today instead of 4pm. In order to ensure that everyone who had a credential (or had requested a credential via email prior to 2pm) can participate, we have worked with Simply Voting and extended voting until Tuesday morning (August 8, 2023) at 10 am. Regards, Richard TonesBCGEU NegotiatorIn solidarity, Your bargaini...

August 02, 2023

Lower Mainland Purpose Society - Bargaining update BCGEU - BC General Employe...

The Union bargaining committee and the Employer bargaining committee are meeting on Thursday, August 3rd to continue bargaining, and hopefully reach agreement on a tentative new collective agreement. If we reach a tentative agreement, we will send out a tentative agreement document with the changes and schedule zoom meetings where we will go over the changes in the new collective agreement and ...

August 01, 2023

Pacifica Housing Advisory Association - It’s time to nominate your Stewards ...

Nominations are now open for two (2) shop stewards in Area 01 at Pacifica Housing Advisory Association. This is to replace Sabrina Nutchey and Donald Anderson. Your current Shop Stewards are Natalie Baker, Derek Book, Gordon Handford, and Salim Masai. We would like to thank Sabrina and Donald for their service. The deadline for submission of nominations (form attached) is: Tuesday, August 22, 2...

August 01, 2023

SFU Childcare Society - Information Sessions and Ratification Details - BC Ge...

Details of the Settlement A detailed account of all changes is reflected in our Memorandum of Settlement (MOS) which is now available here: Memorandum of Settlement and Letter of Understanding: Bubbles At the upcoming ratification meeting, the committee will summarize the changes and answer questions members may have. Here are some of the highlights: Year 1 – 8% Year 2 – 5% Year 3 – 5% With co...

July 31, 2023

Local 301 BBQ - August 13, 2023 at Saxe Point Park

Our Local 301 Executive would love to invite you to a BBQ to celebrate the amazing work done by many of us who work in Community Social Services.It has been a great year for our local in which we have welcomed some new workplaces with amazing members and ratified some long-awaited collective agreements.Please drop by anytime between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. for some hot food, cold drinks and good con...

July 31, 2023

SFU Childcare Society - Bargaining update – tentative agreement - BC General ...

 In the early evening on Friday July 28, 2023, we reached a tentative agreement with your employer. In the next few days, we will be sending out the particulars of the deal along with membership information session and ratification voting details. Thank you for your support and patience during this process. In solidarity, Your bargaining committee:Brittany Johnston (Bargaining Committee Member)...

July 27, 2023

Growing Together Child and Parent Society - It’s time to nominate your Barga...

Your collective agreement will expire on October 31, 2023. It is that time again to elect a bargaining committee to negotiate your next collective agreement to improve your working conditions which includes issues such as wages, vacation, workload and more.A Call for Nominations is now open and will remain open for 30 days. Two (2) positions are available for the committee. Attached please find...

July 25, 2023

BCGEU condemns City of Vancouver’s decision to allow Yaletown OPS to close - ...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJuly 25, 2023BCGEU condemns City of Vancouver's decision to allow Yaletown OPS to close BURNABY, B.C. (Coast Salish Territories) – The City of Vancouver's decision last week to allow the lease at Thomus Donaghy Overdose Prevention Site (OPS) in Yaletown to expire in March 2024 will put lives at risk at a time when harm reduction services are needed more than ever. "We are i...

July 21, 2023

BCGEU members at VITALS - Do you want to help make your workplace safer? - BC...

Are you a good problem solver? Do you care about the health and safety of you and your coworkers? We need you to step up and become an occupational health & safety (OHS) rep. No prior experience is necessary and training and support will be provided. Three OHS reps are needed at Valley Integration to Active Living Society, Locals 301 and 302. The deadline for submission of interest is Frida...

July 19, 2023

Milieu Children & Family Services & Milieu Family Services - Steward Nominations

Nominations are now open for stewards at Milieu Children & Family Services & Milieu Family Services.Nominations will close by 5:00 pm on Thursday August 3rd, 2023.Stewards are the primary representatives of members and have an important role within the Union.Some of the roles of a steward are: Helping co-workers interpret and understand their collective agreement. Supporting co-workers...

July 19, 2023

The Tranquille Occupation: 40 year anniversary - BC General Employees' Union...

Statement from BCGEU President Stephanie Smith   Forty years after the dramatic worker occupation of the Tranquille Institution, its impact is still as meaningful and significant as it was then. It's a story of courage and a story of collective action.  Worker power cannot be understated: the historic 22-day occupation of Tranquille is a major piece of labour history that was made by working-cl...