Component 4 includes members who provide health care and related services.

They provide nursing care, personal care, housekeeping, building maintenance, laundry, activities, dietary, security and rehabilitation services at institutional and long-term-care facilities, as well as medical lab and a variety of other services for other employers.



May 19, 2016

LifeLabs Members election of Bargaining Unit Chair

An impressive response for calls to nominate a BCGEU LifeLabs Bargaining Unit Chair and four Bargaining Committee Members has resulted in the need to conduct elections to determine who will sit on the committee when talks begin to negotiate a new LifeLabs collective agreement. The first step in the election process is to determine who will occupy the important position of Bargaining Unit Chair...

May 18, 2016

Training Session on May 24: Your right to refuse unsafe work

Have you ever had an uneasy feeling before carrying out work because you weren't sure it was safe?  Maybe you performed the task because you felt you had no choice?  You do have a choice and the right to protect yourself from harm. Learn how to invoke your right to refuse unsafe work under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, Section 3.12 which states: (1) A person must not carry ...

May 18, 2016

The BCGEU is proud to announce the following winners of a 2016 BCGEU Scholars...

Shaelyn Ann Loise Blatta, West Kelowna Flora Copley, Barriere Ruth Dyck, Williams Lake Haven Evans, Prince George Elisabeth Hill, Port Alberni Ramona Jones, White Rock Isaiah Joseph, Langford Pamela Lozano Fernandez, Chilliwack Kayla MacKay, Victoria Tessa Milic, Delta Sarah Osborne, Victoria Tenysha Ross-Van Mierlo, Castlegar Lindsay Russell, Port Moody Jaya Scott, Victoria Jorda...

May 16, 2016

All members in Haida Gwaii - Pension Seminar

What's New With Pensions?:  Your pension, Your plan, plus CPP, OAS and GIS A BCGEU pension specialist will begin with an explanation on the differences between a defined benefit pension and a defined contribution pension plan – do you  know what type your plan is?  Learn the differences in predicting retirement income under the different arrangements and why this is important. You will then b...

May 13, 2016

Local 412 enhanced training - stewards and local executives

DATE: June 23, 2016 TIME: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm          PLACE: Terrace Area Office    Come join us for lunch and training. Local 412 will be hosting an enhanced training session for stewards and local executive members. Two educational modules will be offered: End Workplace Bullying and Common Grievances. A Local 412 meeting will follow.    Please complete the attached registration sheet and ret...

May 13, 2016

Local 412 meeting

DATE: Thursday June 23, 2016 TIME: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm  PLACE: BCGEU Northwest Area Office             102 - 4710 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace, BC   Come and learn about Local 412 issues, successes and concerns. If you can't join us in person you can call in at: 1.866.562.0090 Conference ID: 567027 If you would like to have any items added to the agenda. Please let Kim Shelley or Christine Fuller ...

May 13, 2016

Celebrating National Nursing Week

As National Nursing Week comes to a close, the BCGEU is proud to recognize the important work of our member nurses. BCGEU nurses can be found across the province. From residential care to community social services, their work is a vital part of our province’s health care system. Thank you for your dedicated work and commitment to the health and wellness of British Columbians.  

May 13, 2016

Government Members on Haida Gwaii pension seminar

What's New With Pensions?:  Your pension, Your plan, plus CPP, OAS and GIS A BCGEU pension specialist will begin with an explanation on the differences between a defined benefit pension and a defined contribution pension plan – do you  know what type your plan is?  Learn the differences in predicting retirement income under the different arrangements and why this is important.  You will then ...

May 11, 2016

LJ Christmas Manor ratification results

The ratification meeting and vote was held on May 9, 2016. Ballots were counted and the members have ratified the tentative agreement by a strong majority. Thank you for your continued support. In solidarity Your Bargaining Committee: Kim Gallaher Minna Roemer Selena Kongpreecha, Staff Representative – Negotiations Download PDF of notice here. UNIFOR467/MoveUP

May 11, 2016

Local 405 Members nominations for local executive

Nominations are now open for following positions on the Local Executive: The following Local Executive positions are now open for Nominations: 2nd Vice-Chairperson Recording Secretary 2 Members-at-Large, of which one may be a Young Worker Representative (under 29 years) designated as Member-at-Large The term is for the remainder of a three-year term (ending early 2018). Information on t...

May 05, 2016

New online resource helps British Columbians find residential care for seniors

A new online resource that tracks the availability of nursing home beds in British Columbia shows more than 150 beds remain empty despite ongoing waiting lists for seniors. Read more...

May 04, 2016

BCGEU president’s statement re: Fort McMurray wildfire & $50k donation

NEW: The BCGEU has made a $50,000 donation to the Canadian Red Cross towards relief efforts. Like you, I’ve been watching the images and video footage from wildfire-ravaged Fort McMurray, Alberta. It’s heartbreaking to see. The lives of those affected have been changed forever. We know some of our BCGEU members have loved ones and friends who’ve been impacted by the evacuation of a staggerin...

May 04, 2016

Local 408 Local Executive

The BCGEU is conducting a call for nominations for the Local 408 Executive. Positions to be filled on the executive are as follows: Chairperson 1st Vice Chairperson 2nd Vice Chairperson Treasurer Recording Secretary Member-at-Large (5) Young Member Nominations will be open for 30 days and will close at the end of the day on June 3, 2016. Download PDF of notice here. Download PDF of nominat...

May 03, 2016

Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week!

The BC Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU) would like to give a special thank you to the thousands of members who work every day to support those who live with mental health conditions. It takes a special kind of person willing to dedicate their careers to supporting people who suffer from mental health conditions – those special people are members in Component 4 health services, Co...

May 02, 2016

BC Federation of Labour "Stress in the Workplace" Course

The “Understanding and Preventing Stress in the Workplace” course will be offered at the Castlegar area office on Friday June 3, 2016 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. This course will be facilitated by a BC Federation of Labour Health and Safety Centre facilitator. This course is designed to help identify stressors such as job demands, job control, lack of support, organization styles, bullying and lac...

May 02, 2016

Area 05 Stewards Educational Seminar – Pension Workshop

The Area 05 Cross Component Committee is pleased to invite you for a free education session regarding a Pension Workshop. This educational session will be useful for all BCGEU members who want more information related to Pensions and Pension Plans.     WHERE: Kamloops Area Office                    158 Oriole Road, Kamloops                   After hours entrance at right rear of building.    ...