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Component 4 includes members who provide health care and related services.

They provide nursing care, personal care, housekeeping, building maintenance, laundry, activities, dietary, security and rehabilitation services at institutional and long-term-care facilities, as well as medical lab and a variety of other services for other employers.



April 29, 2016

LJ Christmas Manor tentative agreement and ratification meeting

The Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with your Employer on April 28, 2016. The highlights of the tentative agreement are: 5-year term, ending April 1, 2020 Signing bonus of $400, prorated for part-time and casual employees 1%, retro to April 1, 2016 2% effective April 1, 2017 1% effective April 1, 2018 2% effective April 1, 2019 Increase to vision care from $225 to $...

April 28, 2016

Member Update - April 27, 2016

BCGEU president Stephanie Smith provides an update on some of the important events and initiatives the BCGEU is involved with in April and May.

April 28, 2016

Stephanie Smith: Day of Mourning 2016

UPDATE: Day of Mourning photos Many of you will be attending Day of Mourning events on April 28 in different communities around our province. Some of you will be there to honour and remember your co-workers and family members or to show solidarity and empathy for those who have been affected by the death or injury of a worker. The provincial government will be lowering flags on all provincia...

April 27, 2016

Medical Laboratory Technicians Week – Congratulations to our lab techs!

Did you know that over 1.2 million lab tests are performed in Canada every day? Our health system depends on the professional work of thousands of medical laboratory technicians throughout the province. Blood samples, urine tests, tissue biopsies – all these technical exams underpin an accurate doctor's diagnosis, and light the way for a path to health. "We wouldn't have the outstanding hea...

April 27, 2016

Speak out against death threats to union leaders in Colombia

We have been alerted through CoDevelopment Canada and our Colombian partner NOMADESC that there has been a new round of death threats against numerous human rights defenders and union leaders. These threats are taking place in the Valle de Cauca region, and originate with the paramilitary group Gaitanistas Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AGC). This is the latest incident in a recent increase i...

April 27, 2016

BCGEU supports transgender human rights bill

On Wednesday, April 27, 2016 NDP MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert is presenting the Trans Equality Bill to the BC Legislature. This bill will ensure that trans and gender variant British Columbians are explicitly protected under the B.C. Human Rights Code. It is Chandra Herbert’s fourth attempt to introduce the private member’s bill. BCGEU President Stephanie Smith has sent a letter in support of...

April 27, 2016

The BCGEU is proud to endorse the Sanctuary City principles

When refugee applicants come to Canada, there is often an assumption that Canada is a safer place than their home countries. But if you have a precarious migration status or no status at all, and you fear being turned over to the immigration authorities, life here is not safe at all. Transit, health care, and community based social services workers could all be directed by their employers to d...

April 25, 2016

LifeLabs nominations for bargaining committee - Extended

The nomination period for the Bargaining Committee has been re-opened and extended by 14 days to ensure all members have an opportunity to participate in the election process.  The Union received calls from members advising they did not receive the original bulletin: Nominations are now re-opened for the following positions: ...

April 25, 2016

Ergonomics in the workplace

Ergonomics is the science of adapting the workplace to the worker and the product to the user. You are at risk of developing musculoskeletal injuries (MSI) when you carry out work without first considering how the workplace suits you. This can lead to disabling conditions if not recognized and treated in the early stages. The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, Sections 4.46 – 4.53, re...

April 22, 2016

Election of Bargaining Committee - Delayed

We have received information that not everyone saw the BCGEU bulletin that was circulated and posted electronically on March 16th concerning the Call for Nominations for the Bargaining Committee. The Union is concerned that some members may not have received this important communication. We’re in the process of verifying what happened with the distribution but don’t have a result or a remedy t...

April 21, 2016

Local 404 meeting

DATE: Wednesday May 11, 2016 TIME: 6 pm (General Meeting) PLACE: BCGEU, Fraser Valley Office             8555 – 198A Avenue, Langley, BC   AGENDA Introductions Adopt Agenda Adoption of previous Minutes Welcome and oath of office – new Local Executive members Enhanced Steward Training - Kevin Member to Member (M2M) CCB update Component 4 Executive Update Cross Component Report Natio...

April 20, 2016

Local 401 meeting

DATE: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 TIME: Executive Committee 5:00pm          General Membership 6:00pm PLACE: BCGEU 2994 Douglas St            2nd floor Boardroom Agenda The BCGEU Edge Program BCGEU Website: find your collective agreement Worksite issues Medical Laboratory Technicians Week In solidarity Susanne Francoeur Chairperson, Local 401 Jenny Ewing Staff Representative Download ...

April 20, 2016

Take action to stop for-profit blood plasma sales in Canada!

Despite being banned in Ontario and Quebec, a for-profit company has set up shop to pay people for their plasma donations in Saskatchewan. And the same company is planning on starting a business in B.C. Canadian Plasma Resources abandoned a planned Ontario expansion after the provincial government banned compensation for giving blood and plasma.  The Canadian Health Professionals Secretariat ...

April 20, 2016

Area 04 Local Executives, Stewards and OHS representatives evening workshop o...

The Area 04 Cross Component Committee presents an evening workshop on the duty to accommodate, medical notes and return to work. This workshop will cover general information about the employer's duty to accommodate members who, because of a disability require accommodation in their job position or duties. Date: May 10, 2016 Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Fraser Valley Area Office                 8...

April 14, 2016

Well-Being Services (GSV) Ltd. notice of election of bargaining committee

Your collective agreement expires on July 31, 2016 and the Union is beginning preparations to conduct negotiations for a renewal agreement on your behalf.  Therefore, a new bargaining committee must be elected to represent all BCGEU members of Well-Being Services (GSV) Ltd. The Chairperson must be elected by membership vote and the remaining seats on the committee must be elected separately.  P...

April 14, 2016

Bill 16 could have unintended consequences for seniors

When the provincial government tabled the Community Care and Assisted Living Amendment Act (Bill 16) last month, the B.C. Seniors Living Association (BCSLA) was among the first to applaud the proposed changes. Read more...

April 13, 2016

Amica at Beechwood Village tentative agreement ratified

We are pleased to advise you that the membership has ratified the tentative agreement by a high margin. We’re in the process of finalizing the collective agreement. Copies will be sent to all members, and it will also be posted on the BCGEU website for easy access. Our sincerest thanks to the Bargaining Committee for all of their hard work and dedication. In solidarity Jenny Ewing, Staff ...

April 13, 2016

Seniors Advocate Directory highlights staffing shortages in long-term care fa...

The Seniors Advocate released the Residential Care Facilities Quick Facts Directory on March 18, and a recent analysis of the 292 government-funded facilities shows that only 50 are meeting or exceeding the guideline of 3.36 hours per day of care. Given that 10 facilities have no data, that still leaves a whopping 80 per cent of facilities where seniors are not getting the minimum hours of care...