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Component 5 includes members who work for the BC Liquor Distribution Branch in retail stores and related warehouse operations.


April 20, 2017

501 – Executive Meeting - BCGEU

COMPONENT:  Retail Stores & Warehouse LOCAL:            501 – Executive Meeting DATE:              Wednesday, May 3, 2017 TIME:              7:30pm PLACE:            BCGEU Victoria Area Office (2994 Douglas St.)                        2nd Floor Members Lounge   AGENDA Motion to call by-election for the vacant Member-at-Large position. Motion to send letter to President Smith regarding...

April 18, 2017

B.C. eagerly anticipating federal pot law; NDP, Greens prepare policy - BCGEU

After decades as a marijuana renegade, British Columbia is eagerly anticipating the federal government’s bill legalizing marijuana. Growing marijuana has become a backyard tradition in B.C. and the number of medical marijuana dispensaries in Vancouver and Victoria rival Tim Horton’s outlets. Politicians, entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens are convinced marijuana offers unprecedented economic,...

April 13, 2017

Training Day -Labour Code OHS Committee Reps - BCGEU

Did you know you are entitled to annual education leave totaling at least 8 hours? Did you also know your employer is required to support this training without loss of pay or other benefits? The employer must cover the costs of the training and any other reasonable costs to attend the course.  If you are unable to take the training yourself, you have the right to assign your 8 hour annual allot...

April 13, 2017

Quesnel Council Talks Marijuana - BCGEU

Quesnel City Council has begun the process of preparing for the legalization of marijuana.   Read More...

April 13, 2017

Public Sector Benefits Update #2 - BCGEU

The BCGEU continues to monitor the impacts of the decision of the Government to change the benefit carrier for all public service employees to ensure your benefits are protected. As of April 1, Great West Life – GWL is now the benefit carrier for the BC Public Service.   Here are three issues we have addressed this week and we will update further as needed.   1.     Deductible   Members had rep...

April 12, 2017

Big unions are big donors to NDP, but amenable to banning their contributions...

(February 2017 Article) Similar to big corporate donors to the B.C. Liberals, big unions are major contributors to the B.C. NDP.   Read More...

April 12, 2017

President Smith supports Sussanne Skidmore for Canadian Labour Congress VP - ... I am pleased and proud to support Sussanne Skidmore's candidacy for the position of Vice-President, Canadian Labour Congress (CLC). Sussanne is an established union leader, who began her social justice and labour activism more than a decade ago as a young worker. This makes her uniquely positioned to help evolve and grow the labour movement during increasingly complex...

April 12, 2017

Forums to focus on marijuana in advance of legalization - BCGEU

(January 2017 Article) A Thompson Rivers University business professor likens the potential economic opportunity and social change from the legalization of marijuana to the phenomenon two decades ago.   Read more...

April 11, 2017

Public Sector Benefits Update - BCGEU

The BCGEU was not invited to participate in the decision to change benefit carriers, but we have monitored progress on your behalf to ensure your benefits are protected. We have been assured by government there is no change in coverage, and will continue to verify this is the case. The following are the three most common issues that members have raised regarding the transition from Pacific Blue...

April 07, 2017

Urgent Action: Forced Displacements in Cali, Colombia Forced Displacements Le...

For over sixty years, the Cauca River in Cali, Colombia has been home to thousands of residents who farm, run businesses and live along its banks (known as el Jarillón). Since October 2016, families in the Venecia Las Vegas neighbourhood of el Jarillón have been forcibly displaced and seen their houses torn down by the municipality of Cali to make way for a tourist walk way and cargo port. Now ...

April 06, 2017

Businesses brace for recreational marijuana boom - BCGEU

The co-owner and operator of a chic and bright dispensary near Granville Island has received the news that federal government plans to legalize the recreational use of marijuana with anticipation, and some concern.    Read More...   Local 467/MoveUP