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Component 5 includes members who work for the BC Liquor Distribution Branch in retail stores and related warehouse operations.


November 29, 2016

Economic Stability Dividend (ESD) announced for 2017

The Public Service Agency has calculated the Economic Stability Dividend (ESD) for 2017. The BCGEU has confirmed these calculations. Under the terms of our Memorandum of Understanding with public sector employers, the ESD will produce a 0.35% increase on hourly rates.   The ESD was negotiated in collective agreements covering workers in direct government, health, social services, crown corpor...

November 29, 2016

OSH Appointment Process Deadline

D-day is here!!   On November 30th the names of over 2800 designated Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) representatives will disappear from the BCGEU database. Locals should ensure their confirmed choices for new or reappointed OHS representatives are submitted to their area offices before this date. If OHS appointments are not completed for each worksite, OSH representatives will not have ...

November 25, 2016

BCGEU supports trade unionists in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew

Early in October, Haiti was hit by Hurricane Matthew, causing more damage to an island still recovering from the earthquake of 2010. As part of the Public Services International (PSI) relief campaign, the BCGEU sent a contribution to help with community rebuilding. The relief will go to trade union members and their families directly. For more information on the campaign, visit the PSI Hurrican...

November 22, 2016

Bowling Night for all Area 02 BCGEU Young Workers

Your Cross Component Committee is sponsoring a bowling night for all BCGEU Young Workers in Area 02 – North Island plus a guest. There will be 4 door prizes drawn throughout the night. Please note travel expenses will not be covered by Cross Component Committee.     Date:         Friday, December 16, 2016     Time:         7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. (Snacks at 7:30 p.m., Bowling starts at 8:00 p.m...

November 16, 2016

South Surrey Real Canadian Superstore now sells wine

Wine has officially hit the shelves at the Real Canadian Superstore in South Surrey, rivaling a nearby Save on Foods that introduced wine last spring. Read more...

November 16, 2016

California wine lobby group says U.S. to file complaint over B.C. liquor reforms

A trade dispute between British Columbia and the United States could be fermenting over the provincial government's recent liquor reforms. At issue, says the California Wine Institute, is the introduction of legislation in 2015 allowing grocery stores to sell wine from British Columbia — and British Columbia only. Read more...

November 14, 2016

Union, B.C. private liquor stores push for pot to be sold in their stores

Recreational pot could be coming to a public or private liquor store near you. Read more...

November 11, 2016

Your sacrifice shall not be forgotten - Remembrance Day 2016

Today we honor and reflect on the sacrifice that those in our armed forces have made to protect our country and the freedoms we all enjoy.  We also must not forget the sacrifices made by men and women in our armed forces in protecting other countries.  Remembrance Day commemorates the anniversary of the end of World War I.  Since then Canada has been involved in many conflicts and peacekeepi...

November 10, 2016

A victory for students, teachers and public education in B.C.

On behalf of the 70,000 workers of the BCGEU, and as a parent myself, I want to congratulate the BC Teachers' Federation on their courage and determination in standing up for the children of this province. The BCTF was right to push back on the provincial government's attempts to decide by themselves what a classroom looks like. It's great news that the BCTF finally won the right to include cla...

November 09, 2016

The best system for non-medical marijuana sales already exists - Op-Ed The Pr...

By Stephanie Smith & Damian Kettlewell Love it or hate it, public retailing of non-medical marijuana is coming. With that in mind, the most socially responsible way to sell it in B.C. is through our existing public and private liquor stores. When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals took office in October 2015, they did so with a host of mandates from Canadians. Former prime minister...

November 09, 2016

The best system for non-medical marijuana sales already exists

Love it or hate it, public retailing of non-medical marijuana is coming. Read more...

November 08, 2016

Honouring Aboriginal Veterans

On November 8 we, as Canadians, honor and celebrate the great contributions and sacrifices that Aboriginal peoples have made in defending Canada during times of war. Aboriginal veterans have participated in all major wars since the war of 1812 and enlist at a higher proportion than any other group in Canada.    For many, enlisting presented many challenges such as learning English, leaving the...