Click here for info on Bargaining 2025


Component 5 includes members who work for the BC Liquor Distribution Branch in retail stores and related warehouse operations.


November 23, 2023

501 GLS 229, 231, 150, 161 082 178 and Uptown Cannabis - Worksite Visit/Meet ...

Please join members of your Local 501 Executive, who will be hosting Member-to-Member worksite visits at the locations listed below. Come and say hello and ask questions or help yourself to a Union trinket. This is not a Union meeting; this is an opportunity for the Union to hear from you about issues you believe the Union should be involved in or aware of, either at work or in your community. ...

November 23, 2023

Local 501 Members at GLS (124, 218, 140, 242, 181, 059, 050) - Dec. 6 Worksit...

Please join members of your Local 501 Executive, who will be hosting Member-to-Member worksite visits at the locations listed below. Come and say hello and ask questions or help yourself to a Union trinket. This is not a Union meeting; this is an opportunity for the Union to hear from you about issues you believe the Union should be involved in or aware of, either at work or in your community. ...

November 23, 2023

GLS Worksite Visit/Meet with BCGEU Representatives, December 4, 2023 - BC Gen...

Please join members of your Local 501 Executive, who will be hosting Member-to-Member worksite visits at the locations listed below. Come and say hello and ask questions or help yourself to a Union trinket. This is not a Union meeting; this is an opportunity for the Union to hear from you about issues you believe the Union should be involved in or aware of, either at work or in your community. ...

November 23, 2023

GLS 204 Ganges - Worksite Visit/Meet with BCGEU Representatives, December 7, ...

Please join members of your Local 501 Executive, who will be hosting Member-to-Member worksite visits at the locations listed below. Come and say hello and ask questions or help yourself to a Union trinket. This is not a Union meeting; this is an opportunity for the Union to hear from you about issues you believe the Union should be involved in or aware of, either at work or in your community. ...

November 20, 2023

We Want to See More Trans Elders - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

BCGEU Secretary-Treasurer Paul Finch Issues Statement on Transgender Day of Remembrance This past year we've seen a disturbing rise in hate-driven attacks on the transgender community. The BCGEU's solidarity with transgender, gender-diverse workers, and all 2SLGBQTI+ community members is necessary and urgent-it's a lifeline, it's central to our values, and it's important to the wellbeing of our...

November 15, 2023

Local 501 Nominations for Vacant Local Executive Positions - BC General Emplo...

Nominations are now open for the following positions on the local executive: 2nd Vice Chairperson Treasurer Recording Secretary 3 Member at Large positions 1 Young Worker (age 29 and under) The term is three years, and we are more than ½ way through that term. Information on the responsibilities and activities of each office is available from your area office or Shannon Dudley, Chairperson Lo...

November 14, 2023

RBC & BMO shareholders herald racial equity audit commitments - BC General Em...

Chartered banks are fourth and fifth to commit to independent assessment after successful shareholder engagement  BURNABY, B.C. | Nov. 14, 2023 – In back-to-back announcements, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) and Bank of Montreal (BMO) announced commitments to conduct independent racial equity audits, making them the fourth and fifth Canadian chartered banks to do so. These announcements come after ...

November 10, 2023

Follow-up re: Supplemental leave (PTO) - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

On November 8, 2023, you should have received from our Employer a memo about PTO (also known as Supplemental Leave under Article 20.21 of the 19th Main Public Service Agreement). I can confirm that the contents of that memo are accurate. I also want to emphasize a few important points for you: Supplemental Leave (PTO) applies to employees with 1827 auxiliary status, as well as full-time and pa...