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Component 6 primarily includes members work for the Government of B.C. in a variety of social, cultural, educational, information technology, research, health care delivery and associated direct technical support functions. Component 6 also includes members who perform services in these fields at employers contracted by the government.


March 07, 2016

Celebrate International Women's Day - March 8

In Canada and around the world, March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day.  International Women's Day and trade unionism are historically linked. The day was initiated to commemorate the 1908 strike of women garment workers in New York, and has evolved into a world-wide movement to celebrate advances and demand improved rights for women and girls. As part of this fight for social j...

March 04, 2016

601 – Steward Meeting

DATE: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 TIME: 5:30 pm PLACE: BCGEU Victoria Area Office   AGENDA Member orientation presentation STIIP Review Committee (MOU 12) ** Light refreshments will be served ** In solidarity Doug Kinna, Local 601 Chairperson Cheryl Jones, BCGEU Staff Representative Download PDF of notice here. UNIFOR467/MoveUP

February 25, 2016

Local 603 executive committee

I am very pleased to announce that Sarah Hallgren, Anahita Oshidari and Peter Thrift have been acclaimed to the Local 603 Executive Committee. Here is your elected committee: Chair – Netasha Dukhia 1st Vice Chair – Darryl Flasch 2nd Vice Chair – Mike Yau Treasurer – Reena Parmar Recording Secretary – Lisa Bose Members-At-Large Mauricio Bermudez Debbie Edwards Brad Irons Lisa (Cat...

February 25, 2016

BC Budget 2016: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

The B.C. Liberal Government has delivered yet another of its “balanced” budgets, dressed in sleight-of-hand fiscal manoeuvering, ambiguous language, and cavalier comparisons to other provinces and jurisdictions. Sadly, and once again, the fiscal planning of our elected government puts in second place the essential public goods and services British Columbians require to lead prosperous, inclusi...

February 18, 2016

Community Living B.C. receives $36-million boost from province

The Crown agency that oversees services for adults with developmental disabilities will get an extra $36 million from the province this year to deal with its growing caseload. Read more...

February 18, 2016

Local 604 executive election results

Please be advised that the following are the results of the Local 604 Executive elections: 1st Vice Chairperson Karon Crane Member at Large Harbinder Gill Member at Large Emmanuella Lowet Congratulations to all who participated in the election process! In solidarity Shinder Aujla Staff Representative Download PDF of notice here. UNIFOR467/MoveUP

February 17, 2016

Member Update - Budget 2016 Response

BCGEU president Stephanie Smith provides the union's response to the BC government's 2016 budget, which was introduced to the legislature on February 16, 2016.

February 17, 2016

BCGEU unionizes advocacy group Leadnow

Leadnow employees have organized to join the BCGEU. The organization works to promote democracy and social justice in Canada. It describes itself as: ‘an independent advocacy organization that runs campaigns on the major issues of our time, engages people in participatory decision-making, and organizes in communities across Canada.’ “We’re delighted to welcome Leadnow into the BCGEU family. T...