Click here for info on Bargaining 2025


Component 7 includes members who work in colleges and institutes as instructors and support staff, in private environmental testing laboratories, legal services, and other related fields.

Employers include community colleges, the B.C. Institute of Technology, the Justice Institute of B.C., private labs, BC NDP Caucus and Constituency Offices, legal services to the public and many more.


September 20, 2023

Ans’Payaxw School Society - Reopened call for nominations to Kispiox Communit...

Damkxw,Nominations are now re-opened for the bargaining committee that will negotiate your first collective agreement with the Employer. Members elect a bargaining committee to work with the Union staff representative and other elected leaders to help ensure their voices are heard and interests are protected and advanced through the bargaining process.The bargaining committee has three member p...

September 18, 2023

Kwantlen Student Association Ratification Results - BC General Employees' Uni...

The ratification vote has now concluded. We had an 85% turnout, and the tentative agreement was rejected by a vote of 21 (52.5%) - 19 (47.5%). Thank you to everyone who participated in this important process. Your bargaining committee will now review options and we will get in touch soon with next steps. In solidarity,  Diamond OberaBargaining Committee John O'Brian Bargaining CommitteeHeather...

September 18, 2023

BCGEU Strongly Denounces Hate-Fueled Anti-Trans Attacks - BC General Employee...

Many of you will have heard about rallies planned across the country this week which look to further anti-trans hate speech. The B.C General Employees' Union (BCGEU) vehemently condemns the upcoming wave of hate rallies slated to occur under the misleading banner of #1millionmarch4children on September 20. These rallies represent an alarming assault on the 2SLGBTQI+ community. Our families, chi...

September 14, 2023

Lactanet (Canwest DHI Services Ltd.) - Nominations for Bargaining Committee -...

Nominations for bargaining committee (two plus an alternate) are now open.A nomination form and bargaining survey is attached to this bulletin. Nominations close on Monday, October 16, 2023 and can be emailed to [email protected] attention: Lisa Toby along with your completed bargaining survey.Nominations must be received no later than 5:00 pm on Monday, October 16, 2023.*please note, only one no...

September 14, 2023

Ans’Payaxw School Society-Kispiox Community School - BC General Employees' Un...

KISPIOX COMMUNITY SCHOOL – KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Damkxw,As you are likely aware, on May 11, 2023 the BCGEU was certified as your bargaining agent to represent you in all matters related to your terms and conditions of employment. As previously advised, nominations to the bargaining committee will re-open September 20. An email containing the nomination form and completion instructions will be sent a...

September 13, 2023

New report demonstrates vacancy control is a common-sense policy urgently nee...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 13, 2023New report demonstrates vacancy control is a common-sense policy urgently needed to address housing crisis BURNABY, B.C. (Coast Salish Territories) – The B.C. General Employees' Union (BCGEU) today released Evaluating Prospects for Vacancy Control Policy in B.C.'s Housing Affordability Crisis, a comprehensive assessment of vacancy control policy (where re...

September 08, 2023

712 Members at Ans’Payaxw School Society-Kispiox Community School - BC Genera...

ELECTION OF KISPIOX COMMUNITY SCHOOL BARGAINING COMMITTEE – NOMINATIONS WILL BE RE-OPENED Damkxw,To address concerns that the Employer was changing terms and conditions of employment contrary to the law as well as its apparent retaliation for exercising your legal right to join a Union, also contrary to the law, we had hoped to quickly form the bargaining committee to begin preparations for bar...

August 29, 2023

BC NDP MLAs (Constituency Assistants) - Pre-Bargaining Update - BC General Em...

Hi everyone, Our bargaining committee met in Vancouver earlier this month to review surveys, identify bargaining priorities, and begin the process of developing proposals. Deep appreciation to everyone who completed the survey or reached out to send us your thoughts. This process is ongoing, and we will meet again on September 11th/12th as a caucus to further review any additional information y...

August 24, 2023

Emergency relief fund available for BCGEU members - BC General Employees' Uni...

These are unprecedented, difficult times. After weeks of the worst wildfire season yet, officials have declared a state of emergency and put in place evacuation orders for thousands of people in the Kelowna, West Kelowna and Shuswap areas.We have many members living in the Okanagan area and other impacted regions of B.C. Our thoughts are with you and your families at this time.As one of B.C.'s ...

August 22, 2023

Vancouver Island University - Bargaining Update - BC General Employees' Union...

Your bargaining committee held several bargaining meetings with your employer. Your committee successfully addressed several of the union's proposals through joint negotiations. However, several of your key priority items are still outstanding. Therefore, we continue to pursue those important proposals at this time.Another bargaining meeting with your employer is being scheduled.We look forward...

August 14, 2023

Legal Aid BC (Legal Services Society) Collective Agreement Ratified - BC Gene...

Your bargaining committee is pleased to announce that the tentative agreement has been ratified by the bargaining unit! Members voted 79% in favour of ratification. We are pleased to report that your Employer has now also ratified the tentative collective agreement. The renewed 2023 to 2026 collective agreement is therefore in effect as of August 14, 2023. It will take some time for the parties...