Component 7 includes members who work in colleges and institutes as instructors and support staff, in private environmental testing laboratories, legal services, and other related fields.

Employers include community colleges, the B.C. Institute of Technology, the Justice Institute of B.C., private labs, BC NDP Caucus and Constituency Offices, legal services to the public and many more.


August 03, 2022

Local 704 Nominations for 1st Vice Chairperson & Treasurer - BC General Emplo...

The Union is in receipt of nominations for the vacant 1st Vice Chair Person & Treasurer executive positions on the local. Pursuant to the Provincial Executive Policy D8 (#8), the nomination period will close three days after receipt. If you are interested in submitting a nomination for the position of 1st Vice Chair Person & Treasurer, nominations must be received by 5:00 p.m. on August...

August 03, 2022

All BCGEU Members at EF International School - Bargaining Committee Nominatio...

As the collective agreement with your Employer expires on September 30, 2022, we are preparing for the upcoming round of collective bargaining. The Union needs your help and participation in the preparations and bargaining process. The first step is to elect a Union Bargaining Committee which will negotiate the new collective agreement with the Employer Bargaining Committee. You will need to el...

July 29, 2022

Election Results for Local 703 Member-at-Large Position - BC General Employee...

Thank you to everyone who submitted their names for the Member-at-Large Position for Local 703. Please see below for the official results of the election: · Daphne Kowalczyk       31 · Donald Bell                   18 · Michael J. Robinsmith   54 · Robert J. Supeene        19 · Ronald Tuck                  26   Please help me in congratulating Michael J. Robinsmith as your newly elected Member-...

July 29, 2022

Elections are now open for Northern Lights College Support alternate bargaini...

Friends, You are receiving this email to notify you that the election for the alternate member to your bargaining committee is now open. There are three (3) candidates for one (1) position: Megan KINGRobyn MALLIAJack RYDER You will be asked to select one (1) candidate on your ballot. The candidate who receives the most votes will be deemed elected. Balloting will close at 1700 hours, on Monday,...

July 27, 2022

UBC - Okanagan - Bargaining Update #1 - Preparation Begins - BC General Emplo...

Your Bargaining Committee met July 19th & 20th, in caucus, to begin preparations for negotiations. Thanks to all of you that submitted responses on the recent survey. We appreciate your input and we are considering all of your ideas as we develop proposals to table with the employer. Summer can often be more difficult to schedule meetings, but we will caucus again in August to finalize our ...

July 20, 2022

New polling shows that a majority of British Columbians support stronger inve...

Poll also shows a plurality of support for land value capture tax to fund affordable housing Burnaby - A Research Co. poll has found that a majority of people in British Columbia support progressive policies to address the housing affordability crisis. The poll was commissioned by the B.C. General Employees’ Union (BCGEU) as part of Affordable BC – the union’s ongoing campaign to address housin...

July 19, 2022

Northern Lights College - Support - Alternate bargaining committee - election...

Friends,There will be a delay in sending out the ballots as it will take approximately two weeks to set up the program. You will be advised as soon as elections are opened.You will be voting for one of the three nominated candidates for the alternate position on your Bargaining Committee. They are:Megan KINGRobyn MALLIAJack RYDER In solidarity, Zoe Towle, Negotiations Staff RepDownload PDF of n...

July 13, 2022

School District 81 - Alternate Bargaining Committee Member - Elections Will B...

The Union is in receipt of five (5) nominations for the alternate position on your Bargaining Committee. Darlene OSMONDJolene KITCHENLacey COUTUJudy LEGGECorrinne DIAMONDThis means that an election will be held. Due to summer layoffs, the election will be held once the 2022-2023 school year is in session. You will be advised as soon as elections are opened.In Solidarity,Angie PanouliasStaff Rep...

July 08, 2022

Members at Northern Lights College - Support - ALTERNATE BARGAINING COMMITT...

Friends, The Union is in receipt of three (3) nominations for the alternate position on your Bargaining Committee. Megan KING Robyn MALLIA Jack RYDER This means that an election will be held but will likely not proceed until next week. You will be advised as soon as elections are opened. In Solidarity,Zoe Towle, Staff Representative – Negotiations Download PDF of notice here UWU/MoveUP

July 08, 2022

Kenneth Gordon School Steward Nominations - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Nominations are now open for 2 (Two) steward positions at Kenneth Gordon School Society.  Nominations close on August 8, 2022. Stewards are the primary representatives of members and have an important role within the Union. Some of the roles of a steward are: Helping co-workers interpret and understand their collective agreement. Supporting co-workers in meetings with management. Listening to ...

July 06, 2022

Special message from your Public Service Bargaining Committee - BC General Em...

Special message from your Public Service Bargaining CommitteeLast fall, we conducted the most detailed and comprehensive preparations for public service negotiations in BCGEU history. This included reviewing nearly 500 proposals from union locals, 5800 bargaining survey results and polling results from over 5000 members. By engaging in extensive consultation with you, we learned about your chal...