Component 8 includes members who provide health services in our communities.

They work in home support, drug and alcohol treatment centres, adult day care, detox and emergency shelters, women's clinics, services to seniors, mental health group homes, regional health units and other community-based health services.


December 20, 2016

Election Results for Labour Management Committee Member for High Country Heal...

The result of the recent election is Denise Dimora will join Tami McKim on the Labour Management Committee.  Thank you to all the nominees for your participation in this election.    In solidarity Brenda Beckmann Staff Representative Download PDF of notice here.

December 20, 2016

Bargaining Update for Members at We Care Home Health Services

We have been negotiating towards a renewal collective agreement since November with our most recent sessions being last week. This set of negotiations is complex because the existing collective agreement was not originally bargained by the BCGEU and we are looking to make significant structural changes.   Your BCGEU Bargaining committee has made some progress and we continue working on non-mo...

December 16, 2016

Saint Elizabeth Stewards

To:     All BCGEU Local 803 Members at Saint Elizabeth Re:     Your Stewards   Please welcome Mynra Regan as the newly acclaimed shop steward that joins the list of stewards below. This notice is to advise all BCGEU members at Saint Elizabeth that the following people are shop stewards for your workplace:   Maylanie Aglubat Leonor Alcantara Theresa Bergunder Maria Bonitinho Cecilia D...

December 16, 2016

Government’s announcement to ban asbestos: Groups express support but asbesto...

Immediate Release                                                                        December 15, 2016 Toronto – The federal government’s announcement to ban asbestos has been highly anticipated over the past few days. Groups expressed its support to the announcement but notes their expectation for additional federal work needed to fully achieve protection from asbestos for all Canadians. ...

December 16, 2016

'Deplorable' for B.C. government to spend less on home support while seniors ...

The Liberal government is being “penny-wise but pound-foolish” by not investing more in home support for seniors, says NDP health critic Judy Darcy. Read More...

December 15, 2016

Local 803 Bayshore Home Health Stewards

Please welcome Vivian Waung as the newly acclaimed shop steward that joins the list of stewards below.  This notice is to advise all BCGEU members at Bayshore Home Health that the following people are shop stewards for your workplace: •    Cindy Gema •    Ho-Ying Kui •    Florinda Maguire •    Editha Menor •    Mary Jane Micua •    Karey Ann Nelson  •    Irene Tomas •    Sue Tyagi •    Vivian...

December 14, 2016

Raincity Housing - Worksite Steward

Please welcome Bethany Hill as the newly acclaimed shop steward that joins the list of stewards noted below. This notice is to advise all BCGEU members at Raincity Housing that the following people are the current shop stewards for your worksite: Bethany Hill Shannon Nickel David James Graham Aaron Harrison Eddyne (Guerson) Barosy If you have any questions regarding workplace issues o...

December 14, 2016

Spreading holiday cheer -- proud to donate to a good cause

Component 8 Community Health Services has made a donation to the Prince Rupert Wildlife Rehab Shelter. The shelter is a volunteer service that has rescued, rehabilitated and released thousands of birds and animals over the past 20 years. Component 8 executive member Susanne Bellefontaine presented the cheque to the shelter’s co-founder Nancy Golinia. “She was extremely grateful,” says Susanne....

December 14, 2016

More home support a must for seniors: Times Colonist reports

The Times Colonist reported that BC’s Seniors Advocate Isobel Mackenzie remarked home support might be the single most important thing when it comes to keeping seniors safe and well. “We are not utilizing home support to the extent that we should,” said MacKenzie in a press teleconference on Tuesday during the release of her annual 2016 Monitoring Report on Seniors Services. “It follows a patt...

December 13, 2016

Seniors Advocate report highlights serious concerns in seniors’ care

The Office of the Seniors Advocate has released its findings in its second annual Monitoring Seniors’ Services report. The report tracks trends in various areas including residential care wait times, home support hours and seniors’ housing. “We applaud the work of the Office of the Seniors Advocate in gathering this important information,” says BCGEU president Stephanie Smith. “These statistic...

December 12, 2016

BCGEU sends solidarity message to jailed Iranian trade unionists

As part of our ongoing support of the Free Them Now campaign to support jailed Iranian trade union members, the BCGEU Provincial Executive recorded a message of solidarity that was sent directly to jailed activists. The campaign received messages of solidarity from many unions around the world, and they have been compiled into a video. Watch the full video below. 

December 09, 2016

International Human Rights Day: Human rights are everyone’s rights, everywhere

Today we recognize International Human Rights Day.  Every December 10th since 1948, people have stood in solidarity against human rights violations in all forms. In Canada we are fortunate to be living in a country where we have a legislated Human Rights Code and a Charter of Rights and Freedoms which is built into our constitution.  Much of the world sees us as a country that defends human r...

December 08, 2016

Tell the provincial government: Seniors deserve better!

Home support in B.C. is in crisis. The BC Government and Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU) represents thousands of members who work in community health. Our members tell us that the situation is troubling: B.C.’s senior population has increased by four per cent in just the past year, but three out of five health authorities are providing fewer home support hours. This is because the B.C. Liberal...

December 06, 2016

Local 803 Holiday/New Year Party

To:       All Local 803 BCGEU Members Re:       Holiday/New Year Party   There will be a Holiday/New Year Party on December 20, 2016. Local will provide food and some door prizes.   Please see the details below:       Date:        Tuesday, December 20th, 2016     Time:        6:00 pm to 9:00 pm     Location:   BCGEU Lower Mainland Area Office                       #130 – 2920 Virtual Way,...

December 06, 2016

December 6: Never forget

It’s hard to believe, but 27 years have passed since 14 young women were slain at the École Polytechnique, an event also known as the Montreal Massacre. It remains one of the darkest days in our nation’s history. In 1991, the Parliament of Canada established December 6, the anniversary of the devastating event, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women in Canada. Eac...

December 03, 2016

Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Today we are proud to recognize the United Nations' International Day of Persons with Disabilities.    This day was created to bring awareness and understanding and to take action to further the rights of persons with disabilities both legally and in society.  Even though we have a come a long way in Canada there remains much more to do to achieve the equity in our society.  The United Nat...

November 30, 2016

Potential Changes to the Care Aide Registry

To: All Members of Component 4 and Component 8   Re: Changes to the Care Aide Registry   The provincial government has announced its intentions to make changes to the Care Aide Registry, and is inviting the public to have input. The Policy Intention Document and link to a public survey can be found here:

November 30, 2016

All BCGEU Members at We Care Home Health Services Occupational Health & Safet...

The BCGEU appoints new OHS committee members every three years, and the time for new appointments is now. We would like BCGEU members at We Care to determine who the first BCGEU appointed committee members will be. Please be advised there are vacancies for three positions in three geographic locations in the Fraser Valley to represent the membership at We Care Home Health Services. The expectat...