CORRECTION: The original version of this bulletin on April 8, 2020 indicated that shifts at all warehouses are now ending 15 minutes early with pay to allow time for sterilization and physical distancing at shift change. This safety measure is ONLY being done at the DELTA Distribution Centre, not the other warehouses. See this correction, and other additions, underlined in the bulletin below.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, so does the dedication of Component 5 members to serving the public. You have raised many concerns with us about your health and safety at work, and we have advocated for changes with the employer. This bulletin details the safety measures now in place at your workplaces and important reminders for you while at work.
Please print and post in your workplace for your fellow Component 5 members.
We will continue to keep you updated.
In solidarity,
Kusam Doal, Vice President, Component 5
Workplace Safety Measures
Thanks to our collective voice, the following safety measures are now in place at your workplaces during the COVID-19 pandemic. If the following measures are NOT being implemented or followed at your workplace, please let us know by emailing [email protected].
Liquor Stores
- Decals on floor to indicate social distancing
- Suspension of empty container returns
- Limits to number of people in store
- Shorter store hours
- Regular, scheduled disinfecting and cleaning performed Regular, scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of all commonly touched surfaces and high traffic areas including entrances and exits, counters and cash registers, pin pads, shopping carts and basket handles, staff common areas and equipment.
- Installation of plexiglass barriers at clerk tills
- Option for employees to wear gloves and/or masks as preferred
- Discontinuation of re-usable bags
- Increased customer signage discouraging entrance with certain symptoms
Cannabis Stores
- Regular, scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of all commonly touched surfaces and high traffic areas including entrances and exits, counters and cash registers, pin pads, shopping carts and basket handles, staff common areas and equipment.
- Plexiglass installed in ID area
- Transitioning to self-serve model
- Permitting customer orders by phone
- Removal of sniff pods
- Increased customer signage discouraging entrance with certain symptoms
- Daily staff safety reminders via increased signage, TV monitors, Intercom
- Red dots on floor, especially in core congested areas
- Breaks split to ensure physical distancing
- Opening of other warehouse areas to ensure employees can adhere to social distancing during breaks
- Several staff plus contractors dedicated to cleaning floors, tables, etc.
- Heightened cleaning and disinfecting procedures of doors and door handles, all commonly touched surfaces, staff common areas, equipment and machinery
Delta Distribution Centre
- All three shifts now end 15 minutes early (with pay) to allow more time for sterilization of equipment and to help with physical distancing at shift change.
- Sanitized equipment now identified for each shift
- Reduced or eliminated non-essential visitors including vendors, sales people and truck drivers
- Cancelled all external meetings
- Plexiglass barriers sourced for the shipping/receiving area to minimize close contact between staff and external drivers
- Break times adjusted to minimize number of staff in common break areas
- One-way pedestrian traffic routes to minimize flow into high volume areas, i.e. locker rooms
- Reduction in functioning turn-stiles to increase distance between employees
- Ground placards indicating physical distancing while waiting in line to enter/exit an area
- Additional waiting/common area for staff waiting to begin shift
- Where possible, employees are working from home
Kamloops Distribution Centre
- Reduced or eliminated non-essential visitors including vendors, sales people and truck drivers
- Plexiglass barriers installed in the shipping/receiving area to minimize close contact between staff
- Break times adjusted to minimize number of staff in common break areas
- Ground placards indicating physical distancing while waiting to enter/exit congested areas
If the above measures are NOT being implemented or followed at your workplace, please let us know by emailing [email protected]
Reminders for C5 members at work
- Physical distancing is NOT OPTIONAL - It is an order of the Provincial Health Officer and is to be adhered to by you, your employer and customers. If you have concerns about physical distancing adherence at your workplace, contact your steward, area office or [email protected]
- As per Section 3.12 of the OHS regulation, workers have the right to REFUSE UNSAFE WORK. Follow these steps to exercise this right.
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