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Current strike vote for members working in the Public Service - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

We're getting a lot of questions about the public service strike vote and want to clarify what is currently happening.

33,000 fellow BCGEU members who work directly for the Government of BC are casting ballots right now to help deliver a strong message to government compelling them to get back to the bargaining table with a wage offer that includes cost of living protections (COLA).

A strong strike vote does not necessarily mean these members will go on strike or take job action, but it shows their employer that they are ready to do so if necessary. Their show of determination and solidarity will benefit all union members bargaining this year.

Your bargaining unit is not currently taking a strike vote. There is no need for you to participate in the strike vote currently happening and you are not eligible to vote right now unless you are covered by the Public Service collective agreement.
There may come a time that we need to take a strike vote in Community Health to send a message to HEABC that what they are offering isn't good enough, but we are not at that stage of bargaining right now.
We are taking the necessary steps to prepare for our own strike vote. Over the coming months, we will be working with local activists to ensure that we are ready take action to apply pressure in bargaining. We will keep you regularly updated, and you will have plenty of notice should you need to participate in a strike vote.
For now, you can support the public service strike vote by sharing BCGEU posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
If you have coworkers who are not receiving our emails, forward this email to them so they can update their information and get the most up-to-date news on bargaining.
In solidarity,
Your Community Health Bargaining Association Team