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Defending your Health Benefits - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Is Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) your health benefits provider? Our union has learned that Dr. Brian Day is running for a position on the PBC Board of Directors – the same physician who waged a 14-year legal fight challenging B.C.'s limits on private health care. He wanted to expand private health care to create a two-tiered system that would open the door to a US-style for-profit health industry in B.C.

Thanks to years of advocacy by union members and all stakeholders that believe in a health care system based on need, not on ability to pay, he lost that fight. But now Dr. Day wants a seat on the Pacific Blue Cross Board of Directors so he can promote his own privatization agenda, not because he has the best interests of PBC members at heart.

You can make a difference by voting for candidates that want PBC to remain a strong, not-for-profit health insurance provider.

The BCGEU has endorsed three candidates for the Board: 

  • Jaime Matten 
  • Dr. Patricia Gerber 
  • Dr. Chuanyi (Johnny) Nie 

Electing them is the best way to keep Dr. Day from joining the Board and pursuing his agenda to privatize the public health care you rely on.

How to vote: 

  • Voting is happening right now online via the PBC website. Click here to vote for our endorsed candidates. 
  • The voting period closes Monday, June 17 at 4:30 p.m. You must vote online during this period for your vote to count. 
  • To vote, you will need your Policy Number and ID Number, which you can find on your PBC ID card.
  • If you have trouble voting, you can contact PBC for help during business hours at 604-419-2098. 

Vote today for Jaime Matten, Patricia Gerber, and Chuanyi (Johnny) Nie
to make sure that PBC's Board of Directors remains committed to prioritizing people over profits.

In solidarity,

Paul Finch 
BCGEU president-elect