The Collective Agreement requires your Employer's full participation in the EDMP Program. This program is intended to help you with any illness or injury that is preventing you from working or is causing you to struggle at work. When you participate in the EDMP program, your medical information remains confidential and is not given to the Employer. Also, any fees for filling out medical forms will be covered by the Employer.
The program is mandatory for regular employees, and casuals are encouraged to use it. All return to work plans (including being assigned to light duties in the office) MUST involve EDMP Reps.
It has come to our attention that your Employer is collecting medical information with Functional Assessment Forms. This should not be happening.
Instead, you should be contacting either Judy Bodor, Disability Management at Morneau Shepell by calling
1-877-526-7700 or emailing [email protected], or, self-refer to the Union EDMP Advocate by calling Carol Morgan at 604-828-4558.
If you are on a WorkSafe claim you should call the WorkSafe Dial-A-Claim at 1.888.WORKERS (1.888.967.5377) to report it and tell them your Employer has an EDMP program.
To learn more about EDMP:
- visit the website http://www.commhealthdm.ca/
- read Memorandum of Agreement #1 on page 134 of your Community Health Collective Agreement
- contact a Shop Steward
In solidarity,
Fateh Born, Staff Representative, Lower Mainland Area Office
Melissa Roth, Staff Representative, Fraser Valley Area Office
Local 467/MoveUP
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