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Facilities Bargaining Association (FBA) - Calls for Nominations to the Bargaining Conference and Bargaining Committee - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

The Health Services Component 4 is in the process of preparing for negotiations in our two provincial agreements – Health Science Professionals and Facilities Health Subsector.

In preparation for bargaining, we will be holding a Health Bargaining Conference on October 4 & 5, 2024 in the Lower Mainland at the Hilton Vancouver Metrotown (6083 McKay Avenue, Burnaby).

If you are interested in being a delegate to the conference, please fill out the nomination form and return it to us by September 6, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. PDT.

Please note: the bargaining committee will be chosen from the delegates at the conference.

Facilities Health entitlement to bargaining conference attendance is proportional, by local. Therefore, the number of delegates from each local is as follows:

401..... 9 seats
402..... 1 seat
403..... 11 seats
404..... 2 seats
405..... 1 seat
406..... 3 seats
407..... 4 seats
409..... 1 seat
411..... 1 seat
412..... 4 seats

From the delegates at the conference, we will be electing our Facilities Bargaining Association bargaining committee, composed of six members and three alternates from the following areas:

  • Area One: Vancouver Island (Locals 401 and 402) – one bargaining committee member and one alternate
  • Area Two: Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley (Locals 403 and 404) – two bargaining committee members and one alternate
  • Area Three: Interior and Northern BC (Locals 405 to 412) – one bargaining committee member and one alternate

The bargaining committee will also be comprised of Provincial Executive members Mahen Ramdharry and Richard Ziemianski.

The candidate with the most votes will become the bargaining member. The runner up will become the alternate. The committee will elect the bargaining chair.

Please find attached the Call for Nominations for the Bargaining Conference.

Please return the completed nomination form by Friday, September 6, 2024, by email to [email protected].

In solidarity,

Angela Mahlmann
Staff Representative, Negotiations

Download a PDF of this notice

Download a PDF of the nomination form