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Government Members on Haida Gwaii pension seminar

What's New With Pensions?:  Your pension, Your plan, plus CPP, OAS and GIS

A BCGEU pension specialist will begin with an explanation on the differences between a defined benefit pension and a defined contribution pension plan – do you  know what type your plan is?  Learn the differences in predicting retirement income under the different arrangements and why this is important. 

You will then be given an overview of the various public sector (MPP, PSPP and College) pension plans BCGEU members are in. 

In addition there will be an update on the changes to the three basic government programs that are currently underway for the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement. 

See how it all ties together to provide you with a more financially secure retirement. 

As this is during typical work hours you will required to have approval to attend from your supervisor or manager.  Please complete the attached registration form and return it by June 6, 2016.

Kim Shelley 
Staff Representative