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International Solidarity

BCGEU Members, as part of a global community, have made supporting international social justice and labour solidarity causes a priority for our union. Our jobs and the delivery of important public services for British Columbians are impacted by developments in other countries.

Our International Solidarity Committee supports and collaborates with a number of organizations to advance working people's interests around the world. 



What does our International Solidarity Committee do?

  • Show that the global community is watching: we often send official letters to governments and other organizations in support of our international partners.
  • Spread awareness on issues of importance to workers around the world through alerts to our members with information as to how they can get involved.
  • Support our international partners through member delegations and financial contributions.

BCGEU Members, as part of a global community, have made supporting international social justice and labour solidarity causes a priority for our union. Our jobs and the delivery of important public services for British Columbians are impacted by developments in other countries.

Partner organizations: 
View the list of partner organizations

Partner Organizations Map

Do you know a project or organization that would be a good candidate for support from our International Solidarity Committee?

Let us know by filling out and sending in an application to [email protected] and [email protected]:


Solidarity Vs. Charity

Our committee strives to partner with organizations who are who are focusing on systemic change. To learn more about solidarity vs. charity, click here.