BCGEU members at JM Project Management are invited to complete a short bargaining survey.
This is your opportunity to have a say in the terms and conditions in your collective agreement. Please take the time to fill out the attached survey, so that the Bargaining Committee knows what is most important to you in your job contract.
The deadline for returning bargaining surveys is Thursday, July 28, 2016.
Please scan and email your bargaining survey to [email protected] or fax to the attention of Oliver Rohlfs at
604-215-1410, or mail them in to #130 – 2920 Virtual Way, Vancouver, BC V5M 0C4.
Your JM Project Management Bargaining Committee includes:
• Sienna Meade
• Dawna Hieltjes
• Gwen Harder (alternate bargaining committee member)
I want to thank Sienna, Dawna and Gwen for stepping forward to represent you during this round of bargaining.
Your bargaining committee will be convening to review survey results and develop proposals prior to meeting with the Employer.
Your collective agreement did expire on June 30, but remains in full force and effect until a new agreement is negotiated and presented to you for a ratification vote.
We will keep you posted of developments once bargaining gets underway.
Please feel free to direct any comments or questions to your Bargaining Committee.
Thank you.
In solidarity
Oliver Rohlfs
BCGEU Staff Representative
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