You will be receiving a Workplace Risk Assessment Survey from your manager asking for your input and personal safety concerns regarding having your full names posted online as part of inspection reports. This Risk Assessment Survey was jointly prepared by the BCGEU and Fraser Health Authority.
The survey is part of a process to determine the risk to inspectors when their full names are published along with their inspection reports on the website..
A Workplace Risk Assessment was ordered at arbitration last August by Arbitrator John Hall as a result of the grievance filed by some of the inspectors. The grievance was filed when FHA changed its policy and decided to have inspector's full names and full inspection reports on their public website.
Arbitrator Hall ordered the BCGEU and Fraser Health to appoint a joint union/employer risk assessment panel (the "Panel") to investigate the nature and extent of any potential risk associated with posting your names online for anyone in the public to see. The Arbitrator also ordered that no names of inspectors are to be posted online while the process continues.
Following the conclusions of the Panel on the risk to inspectors, the parties will meet to determine if they can resolve the grievance or whether there are outstanding issues that need to be returned to arbitration.
Please take the time to complete the survey, detailing any of your safety concerns with having your full names on inspection reports being posted on FHA public website.
If you have any further questions or concerns about the process please contact me at [email protected].
In Solidarity
Brian Campbell
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