L502 Members - Local Executive Announcement - BCGEU


The call for nominations for Local 502 Executives closed on February 7, 2018. We are pleased to announce that the following members have been acclaimed for their positions in this three year term:

• Jennifer Newman, Chairperson

• Lorri Britt, 1st Vice Chairperson

• Ellen Conville, 2nd Vice Chairperson

• Jonah Dusdal, Member-at-Large

• Kris Tewinkel, Member-at-Large (Young Worker)

The local still has vacancies for the following positions:

• Treasurer

• Recording Secretary

Congratulations to new and returning Local Executive members, and we extend our sincere appreciation to those who have served in the past.

In solidarity

Mike Scott
Staff Representative

Download FYI Local 502 Executive Announcement.pdf