Lake View Credit Union collective agreement bargaining

Sisters and Brothers,

Over the last three days, we met with your Employer to begin negotiations for the renewal of your collective agreement.

Both parties tabled their proposals and worked diligently to get through them. We have successfully proceeded through a number of housekeeping and non-monetary items.

There are a number of items still outstanding.

We have scheduled further dates on May 6th and 7th. We ask you to ignore any rumours that may circulate about bargaining and direct any questions you may have to your bargaining committee.

We thank you for your continued support and patience.

Further updates will follow as talks progress.

In solidarity,

Doug W. Dykens
Regional Coordinator
on Behalf of your Bargaining Committee:

Ruby Stromquist, Bargaining Chair
Naomi Buhler, Bargaining Committee Member
Jennifer Sipma, Bargaining Committee Member
Angie Panoulias, Staff Representative

cc:    Dave MacDonald, Component 17 Chair
        Kurt Langdon, Local 1710 Chair

Download PDF of notice here.