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Component 7: Letter from Ministry of Education to support staff - BCGEU

Today the Ministry of Education sent the attached letter regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the suspension of in-school classes to school district support staff members. Your union encourages you to review this letter as it contains important information on how education partners can continue working together to support B.C. students and protect the health of all British Columbians.

The letter also outlines the ministry's plans to address what comes next at the conclusion of spring break, and what to expect in the weeks ahead. We advise you to follow the direction of your employer/school district and if you are asked to return to work following spring break, please do so. We expect your employer to enforce all social distancing protocols to ensure your safety at work.

Please also note that the right to refuse unsafe work is a legislative right that all workers have in the province of B.C. If you have any questions with regards to your health and safety rights, please contact your steward, your worksite's OHS rep or your nearest office.

If you have specific questions about COVID-19, please send your inquiries to [email protected]. If you want to review current information from the BCGEU on COVID-19 please go to our information hub at

In solidarity,
Cindy Battersby
Component 7 Vice-President

Letter to school district support staff members from the Ministry of Education (PDF)