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LifeLabs - August bargaining update - BC General Employees' Union (BCGEU)

Your bargaining committee has now concluded another four days of negotiations with LifeLabs this week. Progress was made at the table – we agreed on health & safety language including improved language for occupational health & safety (OHS) training, personal protective equipment (PPE), psychological health, and the right to refuse unsafe work

We also continued to push hard for improved language in other important areas: telematics, scheduling, overtime, workload, benefits for temps and domestic violence leave.

We are still working on the monetary package. It has not been tabled yet as the parties continue to work though the non-monetary items.

The committee wants to thank the Couriers and those working in Specimen Management for attending the recent virtual meetings to discuss extended shifts particular to those classifications, and those of you who reached out directly to bargaining committee members. We appreciate your input as it will guide our responses at the bargaining table. The team also recognizes there were some technical difficulties with distributing the meeting notice and we’re working to correct it.

Next up, your bargaining committee will meet the week of August 26 to review “essential services” in preparation for job action should that be necessary. Under the BC Labour Relations Code, some jobs can be designated as ‘essential’ to ensure minimum staffing levels to prevent immediate and serious harm to the health, safety or welfare of British Columbians during a strike. This is a standard part of the bargaining process.

Bargaining will resume September 4 – 6 with the employer.

In solidarity,

Your LifeLabs Bargaining Committee

Mandy De Fields, Bargaining Committee Chairperson
Kelly Jeffs, Bargaining Committee Vice-Chairperson
Maryam Baghalha, Bargaining Committee member
Tony Ly, Bargaining Committee member
Rosario Viray, Bargaining Committee member
Wendy Cummer, Bargaining Committee member
Linsay Buss, Staff Representative - Negotiations