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To contact the local executive, please reach out to your BCGEU area office.

Acting Chairperson

  • Liam Smith

First Vice-Chairperson

  • Vacant

Second Vice-Chairperson

  • Hayley Wright


  • Vacant

Recording Secretary

  • Andrea Clark

Member at Large

  • Lori Isaac


  • Leslie Sutherland


  • Abebe Tilahun


  • Kathleen Dow


  • Donna Longley

  • Susan Ward


Member at Large (Equity)

  • Valerie Laronde


Young Worker

  • Kacey Gronnestad

We use these pages to provide you with basic information about our local, local executive members and their contact information, our component and union, to draw your attention to specific issues and activities as they arise and most importantly to solicit feedback from you about what you would like to see here.

Members in Local 1201 work at several hundred different worksites for a variety of employers including the Provincial Government, several entities in the broader public sector such as Land Titles and Survey Authority, Business Practices and Consumer Services Authority and for private employers such as HP Advanced Solutions, MAXIMUS BC and TSSI. The geographic area covered by Local 1201 consists of Vancouver Island from Chemainus south including Victoria and the lower Gulf Islands of Saltspring, Mayne, Galiano, Saturna and Pender.

We encourage you to make plans at your workplace for Administrative Services Recognition Day, which is the Wednesday of the last full week of April each year. We make regular worksite visits and hold member and steward education meetings throughout the year. Check out the Area 01 Calendar to get information on what events have been scheduled.

You are the union - get involved