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Local 1204 nomination for local executive 2nd vice chairperson

Nominations are now open for the position of 2nd Vice Chairperson on the Local Executive.

The roles and responsibilities are as follows:

  • It shall be the duty of the 2nd Vice Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson and 1st Vice Chairperson to assume the chair and discharge the duties of the chair according to the bylaws.
  • Such other duties as may be assigned by the Chairperson or the bylaws.

The deadline for nominations is: 5:00 pm on June 3, 2016

The BCGEU nomination form (attached) must be used and should be submitted to the Area Office by fax to 604 882 5032, email to [email protected], mail to BCGEU Fraser Valley Area Office at 8555 198A Street, Langley BC V2Y 0A9, or by handing it in personally to the Area Office, no later than 5:00 pm on Friday, June 3, 2016. 

If an election is required, candidates may submit one page of information (8½" x 11"), which will be distributed with ballots and posted on the website. This must be received within one business day of the close of nominations.

Download PDF of nomination form here.