Local 311- Open of Nominations for Vacant Executive Positions

Nominations are now open for the positions of  Treasurer, Member-At-Large and Member-At-Large (Young Worker) on your Local Executive.  The Member-At-Large (Young Worker) is specific to any member who is 29 years of age and younger.

Your Local Executive is as follows: 

       Position                                     Name                                              Work Phone

        Chair                                     Chris Mikulasik                                  250-564-6408

        1st Vice Chair                         Linda Black                                       250-960-2274

        2nd Vice Chair                        Troy Knox                                         250-564-6408

        Treasurer                               VACANT

        Recording Secretary                Pat Westerlund                                 250-564-6408

        Member-At-Large                    Ken Riemer                                      250-562-1394

                                                    Weston McGee                                  250-561-9376

                                                    Rob Keddie                                       250-563-5322

                                                   Shawn Clarke                                    250-563-5322


        Member-At-Large Young Worker   VACANT                                             

        Member-At-Large Equity Member  Danny Varma                             250-561-7152

The remaining term will run until 2017 Local Elections. Information on the responsibilities and activities of each office is attached and also available from your Area Office, if required.

If there is an election for any position, candidates may submit one page of information  (8-1/2 x 11, black and white) for distribution to members with ballots. This must be received within one business day of the close of nominations.

Download PDF of nomination form here

Download PDF of local executive roles & responsibilities here