COMPONENT: Social, Information and Health
LOCAL: 606
DATE: April 20, 2017
TIME: 5:00 pm
PLACE: Cariboo Area Office ? 107A North First Avenue
Agenda items for this meeting are:
The chairperson of Local 606 is the delegate for convention. Based on the membership numbers of Local 606, there are no additional delegates to convention.
Each Local is asked by the convention department to provide TWO alternate delegate names in addition to the delegate.
If you are interested in being an alternate to the 50th BCGEU Triennial Constitutional Convention being held June 14-17, 2017, in Vancouver, please complete the attached nomination form and return it to the Cariboo Area Office by 5:00 pm, April 20, 2017. If there are more nominations received than the alternate positions available, the alternate delegate election will be conducted at the Local Meeting. Nomination Form Attached.
- New Business
- Adjournment
Join by Phone: 1-866-562-0090
Your Conference ID: #426805
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